Sunday, May 16, 2010

Isn't it early for empty nest syndrome?

The kids are spending the night away. At 7 and 4, sleep away play dates have really just begun, and they don't happen very often, especially during the school year.

It is so quiet, which I thought would be great, and in a way it is. But it is also a bit disconcerting. I miss their footsteps, their giggles, and their out of no-where hugs. I miss being able to walk into their rooms and give them that last kiss on the forehead before I turn in. I'm surprised I miss those things since I often complain about the noise, the messes, the interuptions, and the rigidity of our bedtime routine on school nights. Sometimes I think all I want is a night off. Here I am with one, and all I can do is think of my children. Ha!

Blessing 18, May 15, 2010

I am blessed to have children and all the chaos that comes along with them. I am thankful for the ordinary, happy moments we share at bedtime and for the way their laughter fills our home.

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