Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Check this out!


I just stumbled upon another blogger with the same idea I had. Except, she's already finished. Same title and everything! I thought I was being so creative. No matter, I find it pretty inspiring that she blogged about 365 blessings. If she can do it, I can do it!

Trey was back to work today, so the kids and I settled back into our routine. We had a great breakfast together, and then headed out for a play date. My friend Mattie and her family are in our supper club, and 2 of her 3 kids match up with mine in age. It was great to catch up with her, and my kids had a blast. I think I am very fortunate that I have a few, good friends who challenge me to be my best. Mattee is a great listener, and she always encourages me to think in a new way. I'm not even sure she knows she is doing it, but she's a friend that has made me better.

We came home, rested a bit, and then conquered the very difficult Melissa and Doug Under the Sea Puzzle.
I know it's hard to imagine a giant kid-friendly floor puzzle is hard, but this one gets me everytime. The pieces are all a different shade of blue,and it is really hard to tell which is end is up. Today I was convinced I had the left border nearly complete, and then realized it was actually the right border upside down. I found myself and the kids were quite frustrated. I stood up and looked at the puzzle from a different direction, and then I saw it. All I needed was a little change of perspective. Then the kids and I had a great discussion about the value of looking at old problems in new ways.

Blessing #70, June 6, 2010

Today I am thankful for the surprise teaching moments. Sometimes it's in conversation with a friend and sometimes it's quality time with my kids. Today it came as we put together a floor puzzle-and I'm so glad we weren't watching TV or playing video games.

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