Friday, October 1, 2010

Triple Thanks

Wednesday September 29, 2010  Blessing #154

Wednesdays are always busy at work.  3 of my planning periods dropped today, so, I pretty much taught or supervised students every second.  I love it--but it makes me tired.  Today, though, I had Interact officers in my lab off and on all day--coming in to pack shoeboxes for St. Bart's in Haiti.  It is wonderful to see young people eager to help and leading others down the same path.  There is nothing easy about teaching--but very little could be this rewarding.  I look at these kids (and my own) and I realize that there is so much good in the world.  I don't know why people don't notice it and talk about it more....but it is there.

Thursday September 30, 2010 Blessing #155

Happy Birthday, Daddy.  Let's see....from him I learned how a man should behave with the woman he loves, and because of him found such a man.  From him I heard how precious and capable I was until I had no choice but to believe it.  From him I learned that worthwhile things are hard but worth it, that integrity is worth preserving, and that life isn't easy but it is good.  I learned that the ultimate power on the planet is Love and that it comes from God.  I could write for hours about all the gifts in my life that have come from my Dad.  But, suffice it to say that he is, has always been, and will always be a tremendous blessing in my life. Thank God for my Daddy.

Friday, October 1, 2010  Blessing #156

There aren't really words for today.  I tried to wear my Spartan polo on last time and found it left me with "spare tire" look.  By the time I realized it there was no time to change.  I want to be at the football game tonight, but Chip is fighting a nasty cough, Katie is congested, and Trey convinced me it wasn't the best idea.  Of course, he's there on the sideline, and this makes the 5th day in a row he's worked more than 12 hours.  I leave Athens in the morning at 7am to take students to an Interact conference, and that means Trey will be solo getting the kids to Chip's soccer game and my job is to get to the store and get team snack before I leave.  The kids and I are so beat, I will probably wake up and run to Kroger at 5am.  Grades and comments are due on Tuesday morning at 8, and pretty much every moment of this weekend is already spoken for.  But, the blessing....hmmmm, well, I love my work, I love my family, I love being pregnant (even though I keep forgetting) and I love that Trey and I are in this craziness together.

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