Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blessings of a Teacher's Life

Since this exercise ended, I have continued to count blessings.  It has become a fabulous habit-one that is making my life richer than I ever imagined.  If you've followed, then you know I am a Christian, a wife, a mother, and a teacher.  You know that I work with Bethlehem Ministry in Haiti.  I love my life and my work--and almost always I feel that I have in the words of Sir Ken Robinson "found my element."  Teaching doesn't take energy from me--it renews me.  Still, as happens to most of us at times, there are days when due to illness, lack of sleep, or some other reason I find myself thinking "left foot, then right."  Today was one of those days.  Then at lunchtime I got an email from the Mom of a former student, Anne Lanier.  This mother shared with me the  link below--showcasing Anne Lanier's photo essays from her work in Haiti.  What a spectacular person and talented photographer Anne Lanier is!  I am so honored to have been with her on that first trip.  My work brings me into the spheres of special, world changing people.  What blessings teaching brings!

A student tells a Story

Follow the above link to see a beautiful story in pictures by Anne Lanier Gilbert.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Flooding in Terrier Rouge

I am thankful I can help my friends in Haiti.  You can too!

Please help us spread the word about the need in Terrier Rouge.  Donate to Bethlehem Ministry's Emergency Response Fund and help us provide relief.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Meet Richard Estimable
It is a blessing to know and work with Richard!  He is one of the dear friends I am so thankful to have discovered in Haiti. Click the link above to read about Richard and the work of Bethlehem Ministry.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Your First Love

I will never forget my first trip to Haiti. A mother asked me to take her sick, hungry baby home with me. She spoke a different language--but we understood each other perfectly. That moment changed me and my life forever. I am thankful for my mother and that as a mother I can give my children the basics that we all need. Food, education, healthcare, and hope....and I am proud to work with Bethlehem Ministry to work toward making that dream a reality for Mothers-and my friends--in Haiti.

Follow the link to learn how you can honor your Mom this Mother's Day.

Your First Love

Monday, March 26, 2012

Please help Kajal-you could save her life!

Please help Kajal! If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 you can be tested to see if you are a bone marrow match for her. She is a 6th grader at Athens Academy. There is a 1/20000 chance you could be her match. Our 6th graders are working to get 20000 people to get tested. You can stop in and be tested for FREE at the following locations:

On Tuesday March 27, 2012: From 3:30-8:00 pm at the Atlanta Hwy Omni Club
On Wednesday, March 28, 2012: Athens Academy Spartan Center 8am-3pm
UGA Ramsey Center 6am-10am
UGA Tate Center 9am-4pm
Atlanta Hwy Omni Club 6am-10am

You can also register for a testing kit on line at the following link:

If you would like more info about how you can help please contact

Please help this little girl and please spread the world.

The blessing?  I am so thankful to be a part of this community.  Be a blessing for Kajal!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Greatest Gift and Bethlehem Ministry

I have received the greatest Gift through my involvement in this Ministry as I have witnessed the transforming power of gifts from people like you in Haiti. I encourage you to support Bethlehem Ministry in your end of year giving. Provide education, health, and hope. What could be more important to give this Christmas season?  Click HERE to read our latest e-news and discover the Greatest Gift for yourself.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Read the Books your Father Read

Can't seem to stop counting blessings.  Since I made it to 365, I won't keep up with numbers anymore, but I've got to keep writing.  It really did become a habit to count and report my blessings, and it has proven a hard habit to break. 

So, today I am thankful for my Dad.  I am thankful that he reads, that he taught me to love reading and to love learning.  He's made a hobby of reading presidential biographies-and I've just gotten started. This one is delightful!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finishing the Gratitude Journey

Saturday May 7, 2011 Blessing #365

I have been procrastinating. I just can't believe I've arrived at 365 blessings-and I'm sad to close a chapter.  There were several times during this year when I wished I hadn't taken this on.  It isn't like I'm a Mom with nothing to do--I mean, this wasn't about filling time.  I work full time, I have 3 kids, and I am on a tireless quest to be the best at everything. I just started a 2nd job.  So, I really didn't have time for a new project--but, I think this was my response to my most recent trip to Haiti.

After my first trip in 2007, I developed an entirely new relationship with food. I lost the ability to overeat.  The reaction manifested before I really understood what was happening, but in retrospect I think I get it.  I just felt that if I have access to health care and education-so that I know what my body needs and I can get it seen about when I'm sick, there is not excuse for me to have an unhealthy relationship with food.  The Haitians I worked with would love to know more about taking good care of themselves.  The least I can do is that put that knowledge to use!

So, after this last trip, I came home with an acute sense of just how good I've got it.  I knew that I needed to keep that awareness, even as I was swept back up in a busy lifestyle of excess.  This exercise--noticing and documenting a blessing everyday--was designed to help me do just that. And now, I am at the end of my year--and here's what I can report:

 1.  It was much easier to find blessings than I thought--even on the bad days.  Without this exercise, I wouldn't have noticed them, so I'm thankful to have developed this habit.

2.  This exercise fundamentally changed my approach to negative situations.  Instead of looking for something to complain about, or someone to blame--I forced myself to look for the positive in traffic jams, debt issues, and confrontations.

3.  This promoted fabulous conversations with my children-and they became my cheer leaders. "Mom, did you type your blessing today?"  It has been good that I have modeled the discipline of thankfulness for them.

Those are the top 3--I could go on.  So, I did it--and I'm proud that I saw it through.  Completing this exercise is my blessing for today.  I am a better person for it!  Now, go count YOUR blessings.  :-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kids' Day

Thursday May 5, 2011 Blessing #363

Henslee was up right at 6:30 this morning. It makes it tough, because that is when I am supposed to be waking Chip and Katie and getting breakfast and lunches ready.  (Trey is gone at 6:30 everyday) Anyhow, I am lucky, because Chip is old enough to help.  I summoned him to Henslee's room to ask him to fix cereal since I was nursing--he took one look at me, and before I had time to say a word said, "Mom, you've got big dark bags under you eyes!"  I was feeling rough-and sure enough when I looked in the mirror later I had major raccoon action going on.

Yes, I'm tired--I'm also broke, frustrated with my never ending to do list, anxious about leaving Henslee to go back to work, and desperate for time alone with my Husband.  But I wouldn't trade any of it-I love being a Mom, and I've just learned that the dark bags under my eyes are just part of it!

Friday, May 6, 2011 Blessing #364

This morning I was sitting at breakfast with Chip and Katie, and they were telling me all about what I could expect to get for Mothers' Day.  It was so cute--they were beaming with pride over the Mom themed crafts they were working on at school.  So, it came time to give pre-bus hugs.  Katie, as she pulled out of my embrace, looked up at me and matter of factly said, "Mommy, I know what I'm going to ask for on Kids' Day.  When is it?"  I laughed back at her and said, "Honey, Kids' day is EVERYDAY! And with it you get everything you need, but no presents!"  I can remember a similar conversation with a 4 or 5 year old Chip-we had celebrated Mothers' Day then Fathers' Day-so he figured it perfectly reasonable to ask when Kids' Day was coming.  My children are hilarious!  And thank heaven that when I am all worked up about getting the clothes washed, the bookbags ready, and/or the kitchen the clean-they say something and remind me how precious it is to look at the world through their eyes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am One Person

Wednesday May 4, 2011 Blessing #362

Henslee had her 2 month check up today--she is doing fabulously!  She is longest of the 3 kids at this age--and as tall as they are now, I wonder if she will be even taller.  I hope so. I'm tall, and I remember being self conscious about it; but now I would give anything for another 2 inches!

She got a ton of vaccines this morning.  She wasn't pleased (understatement), but I am so thankful to have access to preventative care--having been in Haiti and seen children sick and dying from completely preventable illnesses, I know that vaccinations are a blessing and a major victory for science.

Tonight, I took Henslee and Katie to Snapshots--it is a series of monologues by the Advanced Acting Class at Athens Academy-and this year at the end there was a one woman show written and performed by Anne Lanier Gilbert.

Anne Lanier, a senior, is the current president of the Interact Club which I sponsor.  Last year, she was one of 6 students who accompanied me to Terrier Rouge, Haiti just 2 months after the country was ravaged by an earthquake.  She is a bright, beautiful, gifted girl--but even so, I was shocked by her response to that trip.  She came home called to action and was completely undeterred by her age or inexperience.  She set about organizing the Stop Hunger Now event on our campus, fund raising for earthquake victims, and planning this one woman show to increase awareness about poverty in Haiti.  She went  back to Haiti in December to take photos and do more research for her project, which she titled One Person.

It was just 20 minutes--she had beautiful photos and several heart felt monologues.  I sat in the back (rocking back and forth with Henslee in the Moby Wrap) and cried as she described the sweet, strong spirit of the Haitians.  She spoke of the way the children share their only meal of the day with one another--how the children are so happy with so little.  She talked about the contrast between Haitian children and American children--our children worry over the brand of blue jeans they wear and the Haitian children smile through their hunger.  At the end, she called others to service. She said, "I am Anne Lanier Gilbert, and I am just One Person. But together we can be many people working for Haiti."

What a young lady!  And what a testament to the miracle of visiting Haiti.  You go to minister, but the real magic happens inside of you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Heartache and Potty Habits of the Supernatural

Monday May 2, 2011 Blessing #360

I am anxious about leaving Henslee in June, so anxious that I didn't sleep well the last 2 nights.  I know that plenty of working mothers will have no patience with this-I mean she will be 3 months old, and I will be away from her just 1/2 days for 3 weeks.  Plenty of mothers bypass breast feeding all together and have to put their babies in day care at 6 weeks of age.

Still, there is nothing like the feeling of being right HERE and able to respond immediately to Henslee.  I love to feed her, to talk with her (she is quite the conversationalist!), to nuzzle her baby peach fuzz, and to luxuriate in motherhood while she naps on my chest.  My heart aches thinking about any separation from her!

So, the best cure for this anxiety is to acknowledge just how great I've got it.  I am so grateful for this special time with Henslee.  I am blessed with a happy, healthy baby--and I am a happy, healthy mother.  I need to get better at not sweating the small stuff.

Tuesday May 3, 2011 Blessing #361

As Katie was headed out to catch the bus this morning, she piped up with, "Mom, does God go to the bathroom?"  Just then, the bus rounded the corner and she rushed outside.  I never got to answer, but I am still laughing about it.  This time of year folks are struggling to make sense of the Resurection and Transfiguration.  Katie just wants to understand God's  need for Elimination.

She is hilarious,bright, and inquisitive--and I love being surprised by what she says!  What a blessing she is.

Monday, May 2, 2011

2 Months of Blessings

Sunday May 1, 2011  Blessing #359

Henslee is 2 months old today. Where does the time go?  It was busy day--we started with Sunday School and church then headed out to lunch.  Next we had to get Katie ready for birthday party (of course this required a lat minute trip to Walmart).  While Trey took her (Thank God for him) Chip, Henslee and I headed out to exercise. Finally, my substitute teacher, Ashley (and Thank God for her--I mean I am not even worried about my students so I'm just enjoying my baby!), came over so we could start planning for final exams.  Trey made spaghetti (again, Wow!) we enjoyed a great meal and then Ashley and I got to work.  After nursing Henslee and tucking the last child in, I finally settled into bed.  It was then that I realized that we had reached the 2 month mark with Henslee.  What a fabulous 2 months--and how thankful I am to have a happy healthy baby and a wonderful home full of Love to raise her in!

What is God Made Of?

Saturday April 30, 2011 Blessing # 358

There I was, just relaxing on the couch and nursing my baby.  Katie, my 5 year old, climbs up beside me and very matter of factly asks, "Mommy, What is God made of? I mean boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails and girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice, so what is God made of? What Mommy?"  I said what I almost always say in these situations: "What an excellent question, Katie! Let's ask Papa (my Dad the Pastor!)."  But, I took a stab at it a few minutes later when I said:

"I believe God is made of Love."  She responded with "How do you know Mommy?"  "I don't know, Katie, I believe--and I believe it because every time I feel or see love I sense that I am in the presence of God."  She said, "Oh, OK!" and bounced off to change into another outlandish outfit and continue being a 5 year old little girl. That was enough for her. She left that interchange completely satisfied.

Today I am thankful for a moment with my daughter I will always remember. I was blessed by her example of child like faith.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Friday April 29, 2011 Blessing #357

How am I already here?  Only 8 blessings left to write.  When I set out to do this a year ago, I had several goals.  First, I wanted to remember everyday how fortunate I am. Second, I wanted to get back in the habit of writing on a daily basis.  And finally, I wanted to share what I learned through this gratitude journey with whoever happened to read it.  I have managed to accomplish those 3 goals--and that is something to be proud of!  I'm not sure the blog-o-sphere would define me as successful.  I'm not making money from the ads or products featured on my site, I'm not overcome with large numbers of readers, and my blog is quite monotonous. By that, I mean themes have emerged in my blessings: love, friendship, health, food, shelter--the typical stuff; nothing too earth shattering.

So, now what?  I am pleased to say that the seeking of blessings has become second nature to me.  Likewise, the corresponding change in my approach to unpleasant days has made me a much nicer and easier to be around person.  I'm not suggesting that counting blessings prevents hard days from happening, but I am absolutely convinced that it has lessened the power those hard days have over me. I want to keep on with a bogging adventure, but I'm not sure where to go next.....any ideas?  I need to have it sorted out in 8 days!

And today--I'm thankful for this song that sums up my outlook on life.  It is an outlook made possible by the miracle of Easter. Every time I hear it, I find myself renewing my natural optimism and faith.  This song gets me through tough times (most recently a really nasty kitchen sink--a little less recently birthing a 10# baby). I'm thankful for the writers, the performer, and the courage to believe tomorrow will be better than today.

You can spend your whole life buildin'
Something from nothin'
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway

You can chase a dream
That seems so out of reach
And you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
I do it anyway

This world's gone crazy
It's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway

God is great
But sometimes life ain't good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
Yeah - I do it anyway

You can pour your soul out singing
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yea, sing it anyway
Yeah, yeah!

I sing
I dream
I love

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Blessings

Wednesday, April 20 2011, Blessing #348

Thank heaven for friends and neighbors!  I headed to school today to get some things squared away.  Then I rushed home to get ready to greet Chip and Katie plus their friends on the bus.  About then, I realized I just didn't have it in me to get Chip across town to his make up soccer game.  Poor Henslee had been strapped in that carrier all day--she was fussy with gas and/or reflux, and I was exhausted! Thank heaven for my friend and neighbor, Adele, who picked him up on the way and took him.   And thank heaven that I have gotten to a place in my life where I will ask for help in that way.  For too long I have been trying to do everything myself--as if asking for help was something to be ashamed of.  I am over it.....I realize now that all I can do is my best, and that I am blessed with friends and family who will help!

Thursday, April 21 2011, Blessing #349

 Easy as pie to find the blessing today!  Look at these happy, healthy children. They were out of school today and are out again tomorrow.  Oh sure, we may be in debt up to our eyeballs, but in all the things that matter, we are so blessed!  And as far as the debt goes--we're working on it.  :-)  It just takes forever.

Friday, April 22, 2011, Blessing #350

 Thank heaven that today Gloria came!  The kids were out of school again today, so I packed them up and headed to Chic-Fil-A for lunch.  Then we went to visit my friend Julie and her kids Cole and Kinsey, who used to live right down the street. It was so fun for the kids to catch up with their friends--and it was so fun for me to visit with Julie.  After we left Julie's, we picked Jean and Carson up for burgers at our house.  It was a day filled with love and laughter--and when I got home the house was clean.

Saturday, April 23, 2011 Blessing #351

Headed to the farm today--and the house is almost ready!   It is so exciting that we are finally going to have a place where the whole family can gather comfortably.  I was so sad when they sold our place in Conyers--I felt like my home had been taken from me, but I have since realized that wherever Mom and Dad are is home for me.

Anyway, it was wonderful to see Mom, Dad, and Grand mommy.  The weather was beautiful, the lunch was delicious, the kids ran, climbed, and explored.  Henslee smiled and talked to everyone--and enjoyed a long nap in her Papa's arms.  It was just a perfect day with my family. I am so thankful for all of them!

Sunday, April 24, 2011 Blessing #352

Happy Easter!  Today celebrates the triumph of love over hate, life over death, and good over evil. Today is the reason I am an optimist-the reason that I believe there are blessings for me to seek everyday.  Thank God for the miracle of Easter.  We were at our church for Sunday School and Easter, and then headed to Trey's Aunt Carol Anne's for Easter lunch and a fierce egg hunt!  Here are some pics (thanks to Granna!):

Monday, April 25, 2011 Blessing #353

Today was a wonderful stay at home and get things back in order day! I walked and it felt great to get in the sunshine. I made it to the grocery store, caught up on the laundry, and nursed my baby.  I was on the baby aisle at the store, and couldn't believe the price of formula--I am so thankful that I am able to feed my baby with my milk--because I know it is the best thing for her, but also because it is saving our family so much money! I also realized that I have yet to buy a diaper for Henslee. We have been so blessed with family and friends giving us diapers as gifts--she is two months old and I think we might make it all the way to 3 months before we have to buy any!  Thank God that I can feed my baby....and thank God for the family and friends that are helping us support her!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Blessing #354

I finally finished my thank you notes--and I am nearly caught up on my blessings.  I know that my job is to tend this precious baby--but I also need to keep the house straight and the laundry done, shuttle the other two to activities, prepare meals that cost little or no money, and work on the STEM Academy for UGA. Now it is time for me to start working with my sub on the final exam for my students at Athens Academy.I also really want to complete Katie's first year scrapbook (yes, you read that right--Katie, not Henslee--better late than never!)  I am not complaining about having a lot to do--I love all of it!  I just spend so much of my days trying to finish things, and it never seems to happen. Every surface in my house is covered with a work in progress, and I haven't been able to complete any of them!  But today, Henslee had a long morning nap, and I got something marked off my list! I am so glad that I was able to let folks know how much I appreciate their love for us and gifts for Henslee--and that I got to clean off the table where all those notes and address books were!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Blessing #355

 It is easy today!  We checked the kids out of school and headed to Gwinnett Medical to welcome Jaycie Elizabeth and Hudson Paul Mitchell--my sister in law had twins!  She is healthy and the babies are beautiful!  I am so excited when I think about Henslee having them to play with at our family gatherings.  It is going to be so fun to watch all these kids grow up!

Thursday, April 28, 2011 Blessing #356

I awoke today and found text messages on my phone from UGA indicating we were under tornado warning around 1:30am.  I had no idea--and if one had really hit here, we'd have been in big trouble.  We were all asleep in our bedrooms--and never woke up to move to a main floor interior room.  The news is riddled with images of horrible destruction in Alabama, North Georgia, and even as close as Madison.  Today, I am thankful that our home and family are intact.  I feel like we were so lucky--and I am going to buy a weather radio!