Monday, October 11, 2010

Bringing Blessings Back

October 7, 2010, Blessing #162

Liberia.  That was next country. Literally right after I finished writing about our marvelous opportunities to interact with other countries, I walked across campus to a chapel featuring a Liberian pastor talk about his country post civil war.  It reminded me that after the earthquake in Haiti, when countries were rushing to offer aid, the government of Liberia sent $50K.  I'm weak at best on foreign policies, but I'm pretty confident that Liberia couldn't afford to give that money.  This is an example of the widow's mite--on a national scale.  I'm thankful for the example set by the Liberians.

October 8, 2010, Blessing #163

A rare date night--made doubly special b/c we went to hear music with my friend, Julie, and my sister and her husband.  I don't remember the last time I was out until after midnight.  We heard great music, snacked on great food, and laughed a ton.  I am so thankful that Trey and I could pay for tickets and a sitter, that we had fun folks to spend time with, and that we made it home safe.  As fun as it was, I don't believe I will be staying out that late again for a while.

October 9, 2010 Blessing #164

This was a normal Saturday.  Some mom stuff, some teacher stuff, and some family stuff.  Trey is working all the time-and then spent the last half of the day selling pumpkins at the church.  I was so exhausted from date night, it made it hard to find the blessing, but here I go.  I got to watch my son play soccer and then got to see our volley ball team clinch the Area Championship.  We did squeeze in lunch with Daddy, and a nap.   I got a lot of stuff marked off my list, loved watching the kids shine, and loved curling up for snooze.  So, it was normal, but it is great that normal for me means good.

October 10, 2010  Blessing #165

I took the kids to Sunday school and church, then to lunch at DePalma's.  I had to hit Motherhood to get some pants that fit-then Target for invitations to Katie's party.  I hate to shop.  I know lots of folks who live for it....but I'm just not one of those folks.  However, I am a person who loves to get the little necessary stuff done, and I've been putting off shopping because I hate it and I couldn't afford to buy anything.  So, I am so happy that we managed to save a little money to get me over the prego wardrobe crisis and that I get to wear pants that fit to work.  Having that little shopping trip off my list feels good.

October 11, 2010 Blessing #166

Faculty development day.....I am thankful for my department. We had a great time in a workshop this morning, then kept on having fun at lunch in Watkinsville.  I am so lucky to work with people I enjoy.  I imagine the days would seem much longer if that wasn't the case.  Oh, it's not perfect, but we laugh together and learn from each other and it's fabulous.  Oh, and I'm reading a new book!  It is a fabulous.  Recommended to me by a colleague from Humanities and great anecdotes about intersection between history and science.

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