Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mom, I'm here!!!

Yes, I'm still here.  I feel like the last 3 weeks at my work have been the craziest ever.  I go strong all day--starting at 5:30, but then I crash when I get home.  I have been in bed by 8:30 most nights, and it is just unavoidable.  There are a few minutes after my head hits the pillow that I actually get to remember I'm pregnant with a precious little girl, but then I'm out like a light.  Anyway, I've been having lots of great moments--little blessings, and thinking, "I'll blog about that!" I just haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get it done at home, and at school I've been full throttle, with no opportunity to steal away and type a blessing.  So the dates for these, who knows?  But I'll try to keep them in order.....and get through 3 or 4 before I crash!

And even if it is my Mom, isn't it great that I got an email asking me where my blogs have gone??

Blessing #167 Sometime since my last one....

Katie announces before she heads up to bed that she is going to fix hot tea for me and for Daddy to drink on the couch, and then we can "be in love together."  Chip chimes in with, "No, Katie, for them to be in love we have to set the candles on fire!"  So, Trey and I turn the lights down, light a candle, and have pretend tea in teensy procelain cups on the sofa.  I say, "OK, can we be in love now?" and Katie replies, "Not until I get in the middle!"  Chip says, "then I get a turn in the middle!"  These children are hilarious--and happy that their parents love each other.  I'm pretty happy about it too. Thank God for my husband and for this precious family.

Blessing #168 Sometime since my last one....

Trey just works all the time.  He has become quite in demand for personal training, plus he's still working full time at Physical Therapy, serving on the sidelines for Academy football, coaching Chip's soccer team, and staying busy as a deacon at our church.  I'm not complaining--I'm proud of him and thankful.  Somehow he manages to do all of this while maintaining his fitness level and even training for a 1/2 marathon.  I am floored that he still comes home and plays with the children.  They run to him, squealing with delight--he squeezes them, wrestles with them, and laughs with them in a way I don't.  Especially with him working all the time, I'm kind of old hat...plus I'm always fixing a meal, packing a backpack, wiping the milk mustache, asking them to wash up or clean up their mess.  Oh, sure, I delight in my children and squeeze them and cuddle them, but what they have with Daddy is different and important.  It is a blessing to watch him be a Daddy, and a blessing to be having another of his babies.

Blessing #169 Sometime since my last one....

Remember that award I won?  It's the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award of Georgia for 2010 and it is awarded by the National Association of Biology Teachers.  Anyway, I was recognized in chapel.  When the headmaster called me down to the front, my advisees jumped up with me and started a standing ovation.  It gave me chill bumps that they would do that for me.  And it got me thinking....I'm lucky to work with these amazing students, and I'm so blessed to work at a school where I can aim to be Outstanding.  I'm expected to be fabulous, but I'm supported in my efforts. I'm allowed to be creative, I am surrounded by Oustanding faculty, and the administration and parents work with me instead of against me. I guess I'm saying that I'm a good teacher, but being here has allowed me to take my teaching to a whole new level.  I walked away from a few offers to teach at Athens Academy, and it was such a good decision.  I'm right where I'm supposed to be, and that feels good.

Blessing #170 October 15, 2010

What a day!  My parents and Peter and Berry Rice came for Grandparents day.  The Pre School and Lower School each presented a program.  The songs were precious!  I got to steal away and see the first few minutes of each group's program, but the best part wasn't even set to music. When first Katie, and then Chip, looked up and found their Grandparents and Special Friends in the audience, they lit up like Christmas trees!  If only we could bottle that look so full of excitement and joy.  I mean, they knew they were going to have company, but they still smiled and wiggled as if they were surprised to see people they know and love in the audience.  They got to show off their classrooms, visit the book fair (ahem, they came out with 5 books each!), eat a special lunch off campus, and delight in the love their families have for them.  There just isn't anything you can do for this mother that is better or more meaningful than loving my children and making them feel special.  What a blessing that my children are surrounded by love!

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