Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tickle, Tickle!

Blessing #174 Wednesday October 27, 2010

Well, its official.  I'm definitely pregnant, and I can't even try to forget!  Little Henslee is moving so often now.  I feel the occasional thump or bump, but mostly it is that wonderful feeling of tickles--and everytime, I stop what I'm doing long enough to shriek with delight (well, when I'm teaching, I try to stifle the shriek, but it is hard!)  Honestly, I forgot how much I love to do this--I am made for it!  I feel like I'm assisting with a miracle, and that is fabulous!

Blessing #175, Thursday October 28, 2010

Last night I got to see one of my oldest friends, Georgia. She works in Athens now, and we arranged to meet for dinner at DePamla's (best food on planet, fyi).  It was so fun to catch up and laugh-there is a lot to be said for history, and we have a ton of it. She knew me when my peers called me "Bird Legs", played basketball with me, and heard me anguish over the typical trials of teen hood.  All of the time we've spent together-and all the shard experiences, make it such that we spend very little time explaining ourselves to each other--we just understand.  That kind of friendship is such a gift, and I'm thankful for it!

In others news, I got the letters done, Chip's party scheduled, Aurora signed up to attend Katie's tea party, and got my picture made by the today when I finish the budget and ordering, I will be able to focus all of my energy (at school anyway) on teaching and grading.  So, I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  This afternoon I'm taking the kids to the Dr. to get their flu vaccines, and I'm at once anxious about the tears I'll be facing and thrilled that I have access to preventive care.  Thank God that my children aren't dying of diseases like measles, tetanus, or polio.  Sure, I have lots of worries as a mom, but I'm so glad those aren't among them.

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