Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Madness....

It's October....and it is crazy!  We've had Homecoming at school. Halloween is right around the corner.  Katie has just turned 5, and we celebrated with a family party last weekend.  We have a tea party with her friends coming up on Saturday, after I work with Interact club in the morning to raise funds for Stop Hunger Now (which I will be doing while Trey takes Chip to work with a client and then to his soccer game).  On Sunday we have Sunday school and church, a Halloween party in the neighborhood, and then trick or treating. Next week, Trey and I head to Minneapolis for the NABT conference, and when we come back we will be full speed ahead working on Chip's birthday parties, Thanksgiving, and finals.

I have to write 3 more letters of recommendation for students ASAP, get my plans ready for the sub for my trip, and look lovely tomorrow as the paper is coming to take pictures in my class.  Looking lovely requires wearing clothes that fit and match...which is tricky right now.  Oh, but there is still a lot to be thankful for!

Blessing #171  October 24, 2010

Wild fun at the farm!  Today we met everyone out in Washington to celebrate Katie's 5th birthday.  Where does the time go?  The best part about the farm is that the kids can run without running out of room. That's exactly what they did!  Today I am thankful that our family has that place to gather--and that as busy as we all are, we took time out to make sure Katie knows we love her.  Check out this adorable photo of Katie and Chip....seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. 

Blessing #172, October 25, 2010

I stole away to Katie's classroom today, and took donuts as her birthday snack.  I can't lie, it was a major inconvenience in a day that was already hectic.  But it was so worth it.  That girl lit up like the 4th of July when her Mom came to visit her classroom.  It really looked as if she might turn inside out with excitement.  I got to see her be the "Super Spartan", and she sat in my lap for the pre-snack story and blessing.  I don't know why I feel guilty about taking time to do Mom stuff--or even the slightest bit put out, becuase it ends up paying me back 100 fold....that light of that smile will take me through the dark spots.

Blessing #173, October 26, 2010

I had left over vegetable soup today for lunch.  My Mom made a crock pot full for Katie's party at the farm, and I got to take some home.  I can't explain it, but it was like I was getting a Mom hug right in the middle of a crazy day. I keep thinking it is going to slow down, but so far no sign.  I'm just working as fast and hard as I can, but there don't seem to be enough hours in the day for me to work, play with the kids, exercise, and sleep.  I know, I know--there is going to be more of this as little Henslee makes her debut.  Anyway, smelling and then tasting that soup was just about as good as hearing Mom tell me, "I'm so proud of you" and "Don't forget to take care of Chip's and Katie's Mom" all at once.  It was just what I needed to get back at it.

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