Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I haven't forgotten--

I am as lucky as they come.  Despite the craziness of the last several days, I know I am fortunate--and I have been counting blessings.  Because of this exercise, I don't think I will ever stop looking for the blessing in each moment.  However, finding the time to sit and report on them lately has been impossible.  But here we go:

Saturday, October 2, 2010  Blessing #157

I did get up at 5 and headed to Kroger to buy team snack.  Then off to Oakwood, GA for the District 6910 Interact Leads conference with 5 fabulous Interact members in tow.  I realized as I was loading up my car that I had locked my school keys in the faculty bathroom at work.  Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal--but I left my classroom on Friday planning to come back and pick up stacks of papers that had to be graded before I submitted progress report grades and comments due Tuesday morning at 8am.  The result? I was forced to live in the moment and leave the papers at school to be dealt with Monday morning. 

We had a great time at the conference, heard several wonderful speakers, and came back fired up about adding service projects to our club's already packed agenda.  Oh, sure, I was pooped.....I had to miss my son's soccer game, and precious moments with my husband who is never home now that he has started this Personal Training Business--but it was good work and good times with precious children who lie awake thinking of ways to make the world better.

Sunday, October 3, 2010 Blessing #158

Trey and Chip headed to our church, Milledge Avenue, for Sunday School and to unload the semi full of pumpkins.  They are selling pumpkins off the front lawn, and this year proceeds will benefit two organizations I believe in; Interfaith Hospitality Network and Bethlehem Ministry.  The former helps newly homeless families land on their feet and the latter is the group we work with in Haiti.

While Daddy and son were doing service together (I just got chills) Katie, Jake, and I loaded up the ginormous (not a word but should be) Ford Excursion and headed to the farm to celebrate Dad's birthday.  My mom and all of my sisters were there--and my Grandmommy.  We laughed and dreamed and caught up with each other. The youngest baby, Miles, commanded lots of attention and I got to snuggle him and get excited all over again about a new baby coming into our home.  Oh, yes, I am still forgetting on a regular basis that I am pregnant.....I mean I have to wear different clothes, but other than that I feel so great and am so busy I have no time to think about it except the few minutes before I drift off to sleep.

So the blessing for this day?  Family, love, and laughter.....I wouldn't trade my  big, crazy family for the world!

Monday, October 4, 2010  Blessing #159

Today I had to meet the stack of papers head on. I jumped out of bed focused on getting everyone dressed, fed, and out of the house early.  I was feeling remarkable in my abilities at multitasking and prioritizing. And then, Katie threw up in her bed after a coughing fit at 6:45 in the morning.  Suddenly all bets were off.  Thank God, Trey agreed to stay home with her, and I was able to get Chip and I to school almost early.  The real blessing? When I got home, Trey had put away all the clothes, had been to the bank, was fixing supper, and asked me to go on a family walk after we ate.  Oh, yes, and Katie felt much better.  It was just the little bump I needed after a crazy day full of meetings and deadlines....What a man!

Tuesday October 5, 2010 Blessing #160

We have just said goodbye to Italians on campus. Then we saw an amazing performance by the Brazilian Youth Strings Orchestra-I was moved to tears!  Today in the middle of a very busy class an army-sized group of Singaporians (sp?) strolled into my classroom to take pictures, video, and notes.   I wasn't having the kind of day that I felt was worthy of photos, but nonetheless they were thrilled with their experience in my classroom and each one hugged me as they left.  I wonder which country will be here tomorrow?  But seriously, it is tremendous that our students and our faculty are able to have these types of interactions.  Except that I will busy delivering a baby, I was all set to head to China in March with a group of Academy students.  We are in a world where international travel should be  pre-req for college and maybe even high school graduation.  I am thrilled to be in a school that makes these types of opportunities available.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010  Blessing #161

You can't make this up.  I was just sitting at my computer thrilled to be catching up on my blessings--and my printer spontaneously spit out a sheet of paper with a string of smiley faces-and nothing else-on it.  Fitting, because my  headache that has been with me for several weeks seems better (not gone, but I'll take it) this morning, baby is tap dancing while I drink hot tea, and by some miracle I was able to turn grades in yesterday on time.  The weather is cool and brisk--I'm wearing the cutest outfit ever donated by my sister, Melanie, and life is just plain good.  I used to worry about when the downhill was coming....but now I'm just going to enjoy the blessing.

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