Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4 more

Wednesday March 23, Blessing #320

Mom is here! A great thing about a new baby is the way it brings the family together.  My Mom came yesterday and spent the night with me for my birthday.  It is wonderful to wake with her here.  I know lots of ladies who wouldn't count time with their Mom as a blessing--the time was a blessing, and the fact that I think that is an even bigger one.

Thursday March 24, Blessing #321

Every article of clothing--except those that are on my family members--is clean! When Chip was born, I joined a local branch of the National Mothers' Center.  In my new Moms, new babies group, I heard a real pearl of wisdom from a Mom with a several month old baby (to me, with a baby at just a few weeks old, she seemed like a real sage).  The pearl went something like this:  "just be happy if you can accomplish one thing other than caring for your baby--maybe it's a shower, maybe it's the laundry--but just one thing.  That way you can't be disappointed and if you get more than that done it's icing!"  Well, today I got icing....every single item of clothing is clean and put away.  What a feeling....I think I will just sit here with my feet up and be thankful for a sleeping baby, an automatic washer and dryer, and my newly organized closets.  It just feels yummy....

 Friday March 25, 2011 Blessing #322

Simultaneous play dates are the way to go!  What a great day--Chip and Katie brought friends home with them on the bus for a couple of hours.  As a working Mom, I don't get to do enough play dates--I always feel like I'm behind reciprocating, so the school bus and this time at home are providing an opportunity to fix it.  They felt so special bringing Matthew and Caitlyn home--I ordered a cheeze pizza, which is always a big hit, and it was just a lovely afternoon.  I pretty much get heralded as Mom of the year when I set stuff like this up, so I'm going to have to do it more often.

Then Trey and I had a birthday date (with Henslee, of course)--we went to the movies and saw The Lincoln Lawyer.  It was a great movie--one of those I think I need to watch again to make sure I got it.  It was wonderful to be out with my husband (Henslee pretty much slept and ate, they are so easy to tote at this age!).  I am blessed that my children have friends, and that they are proud to show them their home. I am blessed that my husband wants to take me out for my birthday and that my baby let it happen!

Saturday March 26, 2011 Blessing #323

You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out!  Thankfully today was a rain out. It is like stumbling across found time. That translated into awesome time for reading on my fabulous birthday present. I love my Kindle!  All the books I want in one place--no bulky bags for traveling--a real green way to enjoy all that I want to read.  I have already started a Ken Robinson book and a Thomas Sowell book.  And I can use my kindle to shop for other books--anywhere there is wireless. I am in heaven.  Oh, and how about that Trey gave me the kindle with books from my "to read' list already on it!  What a gift and what a man!

1 comment:

Amy S-J said...

Thanks for sharing sage advice...I will do well to remember in a few month that achieving one simple thing with a new baby is a feat!
I'm grateful you are passing the blessings along!