Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Breaking it!

Monday, March 14, 2011 Blessing #311

I have been terrified about this week.  Spring break--3 kids at home, no adults, and no money to spend on entertainment.  However, today was fabulous. Chip and Katie are thrilled to have a break and they are loving playing outside.  it was great to have a break from packing lunches and hurrying to get ready for the bus.  I think I forget sometimes just how nice it is to have breaks in the school year--you know, teachers work hard and often don't get credit for it. In fact, folks say things like, "how nice to be a teacher and have all that time off," as if this gig is a walk in the park. The truth is the breaks are fabulous--and we need them.  We need them to stay creative, stay positive, and stay patient with children.  And the kids need breaks--time to decompress, play outside, and just be kids. It is a blessing that today we had that time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Blessing #312

I am so thankful for neighbors!  My neighbors Merryn and Judy stopped by this morning to pick up Chip and Katie and take them on an outing with some other kids from the neighborhood. As great as yesterday was with all 3 kids, today it is raining.  And all 3 inside all day is too much for anyone--especially a Mom with a new baby.  It was wonderful for them to have a diversion--and then Granna came and brought a yummy dinner with chicken and alfredo sauce.   So, I'm sounding a bit like a broken record, but well--the truth is, I am healthy, I have a healthy baby, and friends and family who loves us and support us.  What a blessing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Blessing #313

The schedule really picked up today--and I am so impressed we got it all done!  Granna hung out with the kids this morning (creating beautiful artwork) while I ran to the store.  Henslee had another visit with the Dr.--she is gaining wonderfully, and her bilirubin isn't getting any higher.  Then, the kids and I took Granna to Trey's work (Athens Orthopedic Clinic) for an MRI so we can figure out why she is having such leg pain.  We made it to all of that on time!  And then Chip and Trey headed to soccer practice.   It is wonderful to end the day feeling I really accomplished  a lot. On the one hand, I know that nursing a baby every 2.5 hours for 40 minutes at a time is a lot--really a full time job in itself--but it is still nice to get other things seen to.  And my Mom comes tonight! I love that I am seeing so much of my family.

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