Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear Bank of America, Please Return my Soul

Funny Title-but so true! Today our debt is on my mind......Maybe I should actually buy a lottery ticket?

Monday, April 11, 2011 Blessing # 339

It was fabulous to wake up at home today--and to not have to put Henslee in the car seat. I feel like the poor thing was cooped up all weekend in that seat while Mom and I were at the conference.  I had no idea how exhausted that trip would make me--even though I had a blast making memories.  It was a lot--hiking hills and toting this baby and all her gear. I am feeling stronger, but I got pretty anemic at the end of my pregnancy, and it takes a long time to recover from that.  So, today, I am beat. I am thrilled to sit on the couch and stare at and cuddle with my baby--Oh, and I'm going to give her a bath to get the travel grime off. There is nothing like the smell of fresh baby to make me feel like all is right with the world.

I am thankful for downtime and for a precious, fresh baby who loves her bath!  And for Granna who took these pictures a few weeks ago!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Blessing #340

Today I attended a funeral of a dear friend of our family.  Specifically, the Grandfather of my husband's brother in law, Don.  I have know Don a long time--since we were in physical therapy together 15 years ago.  His daughter, Karen, set Trey and I up on our first date.  His Grandson, Kasey, is a fabulous husband to my sister-in-law Courtni.  (On a side note, Trey, Courtni, Kasey, and I all went to high school together)

The funeral was such a blessing.  Oh, sure, there were tears, but there was also joy.  Joy that Don lived and loved--that he knew he was loved by God--and that he modeled faith and love for all those in his family.  He was a good, gentle man--his love for his wife and all that resulted from it made the world better.  Today I am thankful for Don--and for all those who have loved before making my life possible.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Blessing #341

I love being able to put my baby in the stroller and head out to exercise. It makes me feel so good!  Our neighborhood is full of walkers, so I also get ample opportunity to show her off.  We spend time talking about the flowers, the birds, the beautiful blue sky (are you all cracking up right now imagining me talking to baby who can't talk back? Well, I talk ALL the time and she is such a good listener!)

Anyway--today I am thankful that I am healthy, that the weather is allowing me to be in the sun, and that my mind and body are reaping the benefits of exercise. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011 Blessing #342

Almost as healthy as a horse! I saw my OB today and was pronounced fit as a fiddle. I'm still a tad anemic, but that is on its way to right, but other than that things are great.  I can't believe Henslee is 6 weeks old already. The time has come to try and introduce a bottle--not because I'm going to stop nursing, but to allow for occasional separation.  Here's hoping that goes well!  Anyway, other parents know 6 weeks is a milestone--and Henslee and I made it!

Friday, April 15, 2011 Blessing #343

I love that it is tax day and my taxes have been done for weeks!  I am not famous for working ahead--especially on tedious tasks, but on this we got our stuff together.  It helps a ton that I'm on leave, so I was able to just pop into the accountant's office during regular business hours.  I am amazed at all I can accomplish with time off (even though I'm nursing the equivalent of a full time job every day!).  Pictures of the kids, eye check ups, I have scheduled car service, pest control, air conditioner tune ups....and managed to fix yummy meals most nights.  I know that part of what is great about working is making money---but part of what is great about not working is saving money on convenience meals and eating out. I am able to save that money because I have to THINK about ingredients, preparation, menu planning.  I am grateful for this change of pace--and for all I'm learning about ways to fix easy, inexpensive meals that I can still do when I'm back at work.  I miss teaching--but I am blessed to have this window of flexibility in my schedule that provides for time to marvel at my baby and time to think about what will make our lives easier and less expensive later.

Saturday, April 16, 2011 Blessing #344

Happy Festival Day!  Today was the annual PSO fundraiser on campus.  We've not been to one yet usually b/c of soccer or family doings--but I am so glad we went this time and we won't miss it again. It was a blast for the kids and grown ups.  Chip and Katie started us off with a Pre School/Lower School performance of awesome music (Bon Jovi and Journey!).  There were inflatables, dunking booths, yummy snacks, and fellowship.  It was just a feel good, fun, collection of parenting moments.  I was thrilled to have my husband there with us and to watch my children laugh with their friends in that community they love.  We are so blessed to be a part of Athens Academy!

1 comment:

Nicole Smith said...

Bon Jovi!! haha I wish I could have seen that! Glad you had a good time :)