Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meetings, Meetings, Soccer Snacks, Walmart, Rotary, 34!

Thursday March 17, 2011 Blessing #314

Back at work today!  Isn't that crazy?  I'm not back teaching full time, but I did need to meet with teachers at a local high school for my work at UGA.  Fortunately, it is work that is very papoose friendly so Henslee could stay with me, while Chip and Katie stayed home with my Mom.  It was wonderful to be back in a science classrom--and it was wonderful to show my baby girl off.  I was anxious about how I might be received--our society isn't exactly papoose oriented (it should be you know, don't get me started)--but the women I met with applauded me for my decision to keep my baby with me whenever possible.

Then, I met with my long term sub--she came to my house, which was awesome.  She is so so good, so earnest, and so thorough--it is hugely relaxing to know that my kids at the Academy are well taken care of.  Again, I'm just feeling more and more normal--like I'm settling in and finally able to be productive and not just reproductive (hee hee---only a science teacher).

I'm blessed to have a family and work to fulfill me!

Friday, March 18, 2011 Blessing #315

Another meeting at another high school today!  And a yummy dinner. My friend and colleague brought over a fabulous lasagna (part without noodles for me!) and picked  Katie up for extra special play time. I dropped Chip at my sisters and headed to my meeting.  I loved being back around teenagers.  Oh, I know that I am where I am supposed to be with my baby, but it is wonderful to know that I miss teaching too.  Hopefully, I will feel ready when it is time to go back. Today, I am thankful for lasagna and teenagers.

Saturday, March 19, 2011 Blessing #316

I didn't get to see Katie's game today.  I tried so hard, but first I had to nurse and dress myself and the baby. Then Henslee and I had to stop and get snacks for her team.  We strolled up to the soccer field just as the game was being called early (because the other team was crying--soccer and 4 and 5 year olds is an interesting combo).  So, before Chip's team started, I had to nurse again. I love to nurse, but Henslee and I are stiill at the phase where it is hard to do it in public. There is so much milk and she is a pretty noisy eater, so I opt for nursing the car where it is nice and quiet and I don't have to worry  about spraying any soccer enthusiasts with milk.  While I'm nursing in the car, she spits up and soaks both our clothes, and then poos a giant mess all out of her diaper.

Well, I was afraid Katie would be devestated--but turns out her favorite part of the experience is snack anyway.  So as far as she was concerned I made it to all the important stuff--even though I missed her first goal.  Funny how parents get worked up over things--and kids have a whole diffferent idea of what matters.  There is something special about her Mom being team Mom for the day and showing up with  juice boxes and granola bars that communicates to Katie her own importance--importance to me, and maybe importance to her peers.  Anyway, thank God I got the snack and made it in time.

Sunday, March 20, 2011 Blessing #317

Oh, I went shopping at Walmart! All by myself (I'm hearing the Celine Dion song now!).  It was so great--I was so productive and efficient-well right up until I was the last in a long line behind the ONLY open register.  I don't get it.  Why have a 100 registers if you aren't going to use them all? Or at least more than one!! 

Anyway, I picked up floor mats, place mats, milk storage bags, and a birthday gift for our neighbor, Monroe.  Chip and Katie are headed to her party this afternoon. It was wonderful to mark some things off the list and do it so simply and easily.  So today I am thankful for Trey who hung with all 3 kids while I ran an errand and enjoyed feeling so free--even though I was ready to nuzzle that baby as soon as I got home!

Monday, March 21, 2011 Blessing #318

Henslee and I headed to the Rotary meeting today. It was so amazing--I watched my officers give an incredible program about Intearct's year in review.  I've been out, so they had no guidance from me to speak of.  They prepared and delivered an engaging, fabulous presentation and wowed everyone.  Including their sponsor!  I am so pleased to see them shine--and so happy that they have taken such ownership of the service our club engages in. I work with amazing young people, and it is so gratifying to see them mature and progress as leaders.  Oh, and Henslee didn't even make a peep!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Blessing #319

34 years old!  I can't believe it---but here it is, my birthday.  Well, today I am thankful for that proverbial sparkle in my parents' eyes.  I still feel like a kid-and when I think of my life-even of just what the last decade of it has involved, I can't believe how much has happened.  Marriage, kids, home buying, graduate degrees--it's  a wonder I'm not exhausted.  Oh, wait, I am exhausted--but it is a wonderful tired that comes after doing good and purposeful work.  My life is fabulous--I am thankful for every second of it, and so hopeful that it makes the world better in some small way.

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