Monday, April 18, 2011

A Whole lot of Thanking Going On

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Blessing #333

I kept Chip out this morning, so we could get his left eye checked out.  The pediatrician has noticed it is a bit weaker than his right, and I figured I should get it seen about while I'm on leave.  It was a riot.  I overslept, so Katie missed the bus.  That meant I had all 3 kids in the room with the opthalmologist.  (not too mention the skit the kids put on in the waiting room with Katie's toy horses) At one point, I was nursing, Katie was rolling on the Dr.'s stool, and Henslee was pooping all over her clothes and blanket.  I suppose it sank in--my life will never be the same!  The good news is Chip's eye is fine.  No glasses yet, which is great, because I can't imagine managing one more thing.  Anyway--I was tense and frustrated. But I was forced by this exercise in gratitude to find the blessing--and I know that I am fortunate that my family has access to healthcare.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Blessing #334

I took Chip to meet Trey for practice tonight, and that means I got to have time with just my girls.  Katie is marvelous.  She is fiesty--don't get me wrong--and difficult and stubborn.  But the girl is going places.  She has been amazing with Henslee (even if a little ill with Mommy), and I love watching her come into her own.  She has an artist's eye-which she must have gotten from her Dad. She lives to change her clothes and wear outlandish outfits.  She is an genius at interpersonal skills and can get anyone to do just about anything she wants.  This girl is such an individual, and I can't wait to see her impact on the world.

Thursday, April 7, 2011 Blessing #335

So, I have been looking pretty rough. Way to much gray hair for my age. It is the one thing about pregnancy, I don't love. Sure, my hair gets thick and shiny, but it also gets grey.  After this third pregnancy, I have so much gray I will have to pull out the big guns to cover it up! So, that's where I headed today...Shannon Salon and Spa...and I left feeling like a new person.  I feel so shallow saying it, but getting my hair done today really put a spring in my step.  Plus, I got to catch up with Shannon and show off my new baby.  It was great that today I got to do something just for me--and I know it seems small, but I am all about being thankful for hair color!

Friday, April 8, 2011 Blessing #336

Today I took a road trip with my Mom, my friend and colleague Julie, Baby Henslee, and MacKinsey and Aashni (two students).  We headed through the Gate of Opportunity at Berry College for the District Interact Club Conference (if I haven't mentioned it, I love Rotary--and Interact is the high school version--I sponsor it at the Academy) .  I graduated from Berry in 1999, and my 4 years there were special beyond the telling.  I learned so much about myself and about Biology.  The campus is incredible--the views, the fragrances--and the feelings I get when I pull onto campus are so strong!  It just hit me so hard as we pulled through the gate that I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to study there.  I am inspired by that place and by the legacy of Martha Berry.  I thank God, and my parents, for making that inspiration possible.

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