Monday, April 25, 2011

Palm Sunday in the Neighborhood with a Good Back

Sunday, April 17, 2011 Blessing #345

Happy Palm Sunday.  This morning we headed to church--and Jean and her family came too! It was fabulous. I love my church so much, but I wish more of my family went there.  Growing up with Daddy preaching, I was seldom at church without sisters and/or Grand parents.  I miss that so much--being in the pew, the Bible study, or Sunday school with family.

After church we had our Celebratory Lunch and Egg Hunt.  Chip, Katie, Carson, Miles, and Dylan loved hunting eggs--and they each got a ton!

It was a blessing to celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem--and even more so because I had so much family to share it with!

Monday, April 18, 2011 Blessing #346

I headed out to walk today and met up my neighbor, Judy.  I walked yesterday too, and I do love it, but it still helps motivate me to have an appointment with a friend.  Katie and her daughter Ella are the same age and attend school together--so the time flew as we compared stories showcasing their stubborn, strong personalities.  I just got to thinking---in no time we'll be sharing stories of parenting teenage girls.  How neat that we'll share all this history!  Just imagine; homecoming, prom, boyfriends, sports, and sleepovers.  I am blessed to be a part of this community.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Blessing #347

Still walking! That makes 3 days in a row--and I am feeling fabulous.  I am having some pain in my left leg from the bulging disk in my back, but so far my press ups are keeping it a bay. Have I ever talked here about my back injury?  About 3 months after Katie was born I herniated two disks in my low back--and in my left leg, I lost reflexes and feeling.  (this was just a symptom from weakness caused by too much bed rest with the sepsis.  A week in the hospital will just zap your strength).  The neurosurgeon was keen to operate when the problem kept getting worse instead of better--but I was nursing a new baby and wouldn't agree to surgery.  I spent 6 weeks on my stomach whenever possible and worked several times a week in intensive rehab.  Ultimately, I healed--but I still get flare ups.  In fact, I was scared this pregnancy and/or delivery would send me under the knife with a recurrence of the herniations.  Well, I'm not out of the woods yet--but I am thankful that so far I'm still standing!

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