Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going Buggy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011 Blessing #307

Check out the ginormous dragon fly in the middle of that photo.  Today was the dress rehearsal for the 2nd grade play at Athens Academy.  Grandmommy, Nana, Granna, and I decided it was best to take Henslee and watch the dress rehearsal than go to the actual play (talk about crowded--nothing packs the place like a Pre school or lower school play).  Chip was a riot--at one point there was a free style component and he was getting down!  He is really coming into his own and growing into the spotlight.  There is just nothing like seeing your child shine on stage--and love doing it!

But my favorite moment was before the show started--I just happened to see him elbow his friend and say, "look, there's MY baby!"  He is so proud of his sisters--even the newest one that requires so much of Mommy's attention.  What a kid!

Friday, March 11, 2011 Blessing #308

Today Trey and I divided and conquered--and I have the feeling it is just first of countless times we will be employing that strategy.  While he headed to the real performance of Chip's play, Granna and I took Henslee for a check up.  Today I am thrilled that I have a partner in this parenting gig--that we have other family who will help us, and that my newest daughter is healthy!  I've said it before, but it really does take a village!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011 Blessing #309

Turns out, we can do it! Chip and Katie had soccer games at the same time today--luckily on side by side fields.  Trey coached Chip's team, and I stood right in the middle of the two fields wearing Henslee in the MOBY wrap (this is the greatest device ever--much better than the sling I used with the other two)
.  I finally got into a rhythm--"Go, Chip!" turn "Go, Katie!" look down pat baby's hiney and ask, "Henslee, are you hungry, yet?" And then repeat.  I was a bit worried about pulling all this off, but today I realized I am golden right up until a kid gets sick or until Henslee is darting to the parking lot.  Thank heaven babies come out and stay still for a while!  Even the blowout diaper in the car was doable. So, she had to eat lunch practically naked b/c of her soiled clothes? So what if my shirt smelled like sour milk?  I mean in the grand scheme of things I've got this handled.  I suppose I just don't get as stressed about being perfect with baby #3, and that is exactly how it should be.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Blessing #310

It was so great to see our church family.  Everyone oohed and aahed appropriately--and I am tickled to death to be settling into our new normal.  We were back at church, out to lunch, and this afternoon I was back on to exercising. I went for a long walk today and it was fabulous.  I am feeling strong and normal again.  Oh, it will take a while for me to get my stamina back (and I know better than to even think my figure will ever fully recover), but my mind and body benefit so much from exercise and fresh air.   Today I am thankful for settling into normal and for being well enough and strong enough to get walking!

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