Monday, March 21, 2011

Love Multiplies

Wednesday March 2, 2011 Blessing #299

Well, I am tired.  The whole newborn thing is tough enough, but I got started down one night of sleep since I labored overnight.  Anyway, I am back and forth between elation and exhaustion-and today I am thankful for the family who is supporting us and helping us welcome Henslee.  I know I couldn't do it without them. When we headed to the hospital Monday night, my sister and then Granna were with the kids at home-Granna and PawPaw stayed with them till 3:30 am when they woke them and brought them to the hospital.  Having Granna with the kids allowed Trey to stay with me--and nothing brought my blood pressure down (talk about fluid overloaded!) like having him nearby.  My Mom and my sister, Jean, took turns walking the hospital halls with me as I labored-and managed to keep me laughing and relaxed until the very end when it was time to get serious about birthing. 

When Trey needed to leave to get Katie to soccer or Chip to soccer, there were folks to take over for him in the hospital.  Our Pastor came today and prayed a beautiful prayer asking for blessings for Henslee-one of the blessings she has already received is a large, loving, extended family.  So, today, the blessing is that I am surrounded--and so are my children--by family who love us.  The bigger the family the more love there is---my Mom always says, love doesn't divide, it multiplies.  What a truth and what a gift.

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