Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catching up To Baby

Yes, I know...ridiculously behind.   But I did have a baby--so it will take me a bit to catch up!  More info on her to come.....

Sunday, February 20 Blessing #289

After church today, I headed to my favorite restaurant-Depalmas-with 2 friends from my church for another "sprinkle".  It was a delightful afternoon with yummy food, laughter, and great conversation (whoo hoo and diapers!).  I am so lucky to be plugged into to networks of such wonderful people.  I am blessed that there are folks who care for me and my family enough to celebrate momentous occasions.  I know that when this baby comes my new, bigger family will be surrounded by love and support from our family and from our community.  Thank God for my community and for God's love that surrounds me and my family!

Monday, February 21 Blessing #290

Today is faculty development day--most of the time when you say those words to a teacher, they roll their eyes.  I don't really blame them.  I have worked in situations where faculty development was code for wasted time.  I feel very fortunate that at Athens Academy it really is time for us to develop (rather than be developed--as if that is something that someone can do to you!).  Time for teachers to stop and think, to explore collaborations or new lesson material, and to fellowship. Time for professionals to grow in their is part of what sets my school apart. 

Tuesday, February 22, Blessing #291

Henslee and I got a clean bill of health today.  That is the good news!  I am not going to lie-I'm pretty uncomfortable pretty often, and I'm beginning to be ready for D day.  It was wonderful today that Trey could attend the appointment with me. Especially since Dr. Goggin told us that it appears Henslee is already 9#10ounces.  I'm conflicted about that estimate--each pregnancy I have heard that my child was much bigger than either turned out to be.  There was lots of talk of induction, amnios, etc--and ultimately those babies just came early on their own.  I would much rather Henslee come when she decides, but nonetheless we agreed to have the amnio to check for lung maturity tomorrow.  If she's mature, Dr. G will want to induce sooner rather than there will be lots of decisions to make for Trey and me.

Anyhow, today I'm thankful for my doctor, my clean bill of health, and my husband.  I am also incredibly thankful for my education.  As we sat with Dr. Goggin and talked gestation, delivery, and options I couldn't help but wonder what folks do who are ignorant.  I feel empowered to question my doctors, and I hope desperately that my students will get there too.

Wednesday February 23, Blessing #292

Amnio today!  I can't believe how quickly I got an appointment. After I arrived at work, I got a phone call to come in at 10:45.  That required a good bit of juggling appointments and obligations, but having my long term sub in my classroom already is a huge help.  Anyway, Trey was able to meet me there and the procedure was a piece of cake.  My thinking was this--if I have the amnio the worst thing that will happen is I'll have the baby early. If I don't have this done, Dr. Goggin will induce me at 38 weeks and he will insist on dosing me full of steroids to help her lung development.  So, at least if her lungs are mature, I can avoid the steroids.  But still--I would rather her come on her own.

 After the amnio I had a lot of crampiness and contractions and headed home to rest.  My sister came over to sit with me till Trey got home.  I am so lucky to have family close!  Then the call came that Henslee lungs were certainly, if she needs to come on, at least her breathing should be OK.  Dr. Goggin called to say just come on to the hospital and lets have your baby....but I just couldn't do it. In fact, I burst into tears at the suggestion.  I didn't sleep last night b/c of contractions, I'm tired, my kids are hungry, my house is a mess, my oven is broken (yes, I know the baby doesn't go in there, but still!), I am out of groceries, and my kitchen is full of ants!  So I will see him on Monday...and we will go from there.  Right now the induction is tentatively scheduled for March 2--Mom's birthday!  Of course, I'm still hoping she comes on of her own accord.  Things just work out better when baby and Momma are ready.....So, thank God for my sister who helped me straighten up and kept me company.  Thank heaven for my baby who is ready for life on the outside, and thank God for my Dr. who laughed a bit, but said OK, see you Monday when I had a mini Mommy breakdown.

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