Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mother Nature....

Just so my six loyal readers know, I am working so hard to catch up.  I have all these blessings in my Wonder Woman notebook--but when you are up off and on all night with a new baby and chasing 2 other kids all day it is hard to sit still without falling asleep. Plus of course, I'm working for UGA and grading and planning for the Academy.  I haven't even started my thank you notes!  Please, don't give up on me!  I'm still making my bed, still not using the credit card, and still committed to counting blessings every day for 68 more days......I just need a grace period to get them on line!

Monday February 28, 2010 Blessing #297

Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it's when their brains get involved that things can go wrong.

Welcome to maternity leave.  After I took the kids to school today, I was totally unsure of what to do with myself.  My work is such a part of me that I had a hard time imagining my life without it. So, what did I do? I went to my other job of course!  I scoped out my new office, picked up my paycheck, and filled out paperwork. 

Then, I did what every non working woman should do on a Monday-I had a manicure, pedicure, and brow wax.  The way I see it--I have a clean car, clean closets, clean windows, dotted "i"s and "t"s at work---pretty much everything is in order to meet Henslee.  The last piece is readying my person.  Silly maybe-that as ginormous as I am, I think a pedicure and manicure will make me beautiful for meeting my baby, but there it is none the less.

Then, Mom came to go with me to see Dr. Goggin.  I sort of thought he might discover that I had already progressed to 3 or 4 cm and just send me to the hospital to get hooked up to Pitocin.  I mean all the contractions I have been having had to accomplish something, right?  Well, they did as we found Henslee is fully engaged in my pelvis, but I was still just a centimeter or so.  Dr. Goggin briefed me on coming to the hospital tomorrow night to begin the induction process, but I said, "I think she's just going to come on!"

Mom and I went to LOCOS--I ate a plate of nachos complete with jalapenos, and a big storm rolled in.  Just after Mom left town, Katie and I took Chip to piano.  I walked a few minutes outside Ms. Robertson's house--until I heard thunder.  Then we headed in to listen to the last part of his lesson.  As we stood up to leave--and I realized the bottom was about to fall out of the sky, my water broke.  That was a first for me-the dramatic water break at the onset of labor-I was really taken aback!  Anyway, Mother Nature knows about bringing on babies when it's time--and she decided it was time.

So, today I am so thankful that I got my last preparations completed, that I had time with my Mom, that my Dr. said we are both healthy, and that Henslee decided to come on.  Inductions are well and good, but in my experience things move much easier when both Mom and Baby are ready.  And today--we were ready!

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