Saturday, March 26, 2011

Moon Walk

Tuesday March 8, 2011 Blessing #305

I am starting to look like myself again. It is wild how losing 10 pounds of baby makes me feel so light on my feet.  I am just 6 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, and when I walk I feel like I'm in a near zero gravity environment.  Feels like I'm walking on the moon.

Each day I am getting rid of extra fluid, and the muffin tops that had settled on my ankles are finally gone!  As much as I love being pregnant, it is not designed to be a permanent condition.  There comes the time when Mom and Baby are ready for it to be over and Henslee and I had reached that point.  No more achiness in my pelvis, no more puffy feet, and no more crazy maneuvers just so I can get up off the couch.  It is so great to remember what normal and healthy feel like in this body!

And, Thank God for Granna who got all the laundry done and Katie to soccer!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Blessing #306

Back to Dr. Glassman today!  Her weight is holding steady, we are still checking her bilirubin and waiting for it to peak and then fall.  I am just spending hours staring at her--watching her sleep, watching her breathe, and looking forward to those precious few moments every few hours when she's awake.  There is nothing like the gaze of newborn to captivate my attention.  What the world must look like to her--after being in my womb for months.  It is amazing to watch her look around, take it all in, and see things for the first time.  In fact, imagining how she preceives things makes everything seem fresh to me--it is as if she brought with her newness and possibility.  And all this as the daffodils are blooming--spring is the perfect time to have a baby!

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