Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Blessings

Wednesday, April 20 2011, Blessing #348

Thank heaven for friends and neighbors!  I headed to school today to get some things squared away.  Then I rushed home to get ready to greet Chip and Katie plus their friends on the bus.  About then, I realized I just didn't have it in me to get Chip across town to his make up soccer game.  Poor Henslee had been strapped in that carrier all day--she was fussy with gas and/or reflux, and I was exhausted! Thank heaven for my friend and neighbor, Adele, who picked him up on the way and took him.   And thank heaven that I have gotten to a place in my life where I will ask for help in that way.  For too long I have been trying to do everything myself--as if asking for help was something to be ashamed of.  I am over it.....I realize now that all I can do is my best, and that I am blessed with friends and family who will help!

Thursday, April 21 2011, Blessing #349

 Easy as pie to find the blessing today!  Look at these happy, healthy children. They were out of school today and are out again tomorrow.  Oh sure, we may be in debt up to our eyeballs, but in all the things that matter, we are so blessed!  And as far as the debt goes--we're working on it.  :-)  It just takes forever.

Friday, April 22, 2011, Blessing #350

 Thank heaven that today Gloria came!  The kids were out of school again today, so I packed them up and headed to Chic-Fil-A for lunch.  Then we went to visit my friend Julie and her kids Cole and Kinsey, who used to live right down the street. It was so fun for the kids to catch up with their friends--and it was so fun for me to visit with Julie.  After we left Julie's, we picked Jean and Carson up for burgers at our house.  It was a day filled with love and laughter--and when I got home the house was clean.

Saturday, April 23, 2011 Blessing #351

Headed to the farm today--and the house is almost ready!   It is so exciting that we are finally going to have a place where the whole family can gather comfortably.  I was so sad when they sold our place in Conyers--I felt like my home had been taken from me, but I have since realized that wherever Mom and Dad are is home for me.

Anyway, it was wonderful to see Mom, Dad, and Grand mommy.  The weather was beautiful, the lunch was delicious, the kids ran, climbed, and explored.  Henslee smiled and talked to everyone--and enjoyed a long nap in her Papa's arms.  It was just a perfect day with my family. I am so thankful for all of them!

Sunday, April 24, 2011 Blessing #352

Happy Easter!  Today celebrates the triumph of love over hate, life over death, and good over evil. Today is the reason I am an optimist-the reason that I believe there are blessings for me to seek everyday.  Thank God for the miracle of Easter.  We were at our church for Sunday School and Easter, and then headed to Trey's Aunt Carol Anne's for Easter lunch and a fierce egg hunt!  Here are some pics (thanks to Granna!):

Monday, April 25, 2011 Blessing #353

Today was a wonderful stay at home and get things back in order day! I walked and it felt great to get in the sunshine. I made it to the grocery store, caught up on the laundry, and nursed my baby.  I was on the baby aisle at the store, and couldn't believe the price of formula--I am so thankful that I am able to feed my baby with my milk--because I know it is the best thing for her, but also because it is saving our family so much money! I also realized that I have yet to buy a diaper for Henslee. We have been so blessed with family and friends giving us diapers as gifts--she is two months old and I think we might make it all the way to 3 months before we have to buy any!  Thank God that I can feed my baby....and thank God for the family and friends that are helping us support her!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Blessing #354

I finally finished my thank you notes--and I am nearly caught up on my blessings.  I know that my job is to tend this precious baby--but I also need to keep the house straight and the laundry done, shuttle the other two to activities, prepare meals that cost little or no money, and work on the STEM Academy for UGA. Now it is time for me to start working with my sub on the final exam for my students at Athens Academy.I also really want to complete Katie's first year scrapbook (yes, you read that right--Katie, not Henslee--better late than never!)  I am not complaining about having a lot to do--I love all of it!  I just spend so much of my days trying to finish things, and it never seems to happen. Every surface in my house is covered with a work in progress, and I haven't been able to complete any of them!  But today, Henslee had a long morning nap, and I got something marked off my list! I am so glad that I was able to let folks know how much I appreciate their love for us and gifts for Henslee--and that I got to clean off the table where all those notes and address books were!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Blessing #355

 It is easy today!  We checked the kids out of school and headed to Gwinnett Medical to welcome Jaycie Elizabeth and Hudson Paul Mitchell--my sister in law had twins!  She is healthy and the babies are beautiful!  I am so excited when I think about Henslee having them to play with at our family gatherings.  It is going to be so fun to watch all these kids grow up!

Thursday, April 28, 2011 Blessing #356

I awoke today and found text messages on my phone from UGA indicating we were under tornado warning around 1:30am.  I had no idea--and if one had really hit here, we'd have been in big trouble.  We were all asleep in our bedrooms--and never woke up to move to a main floor interior room.  The news is riddled with images of horrible destruction in Alabama, North Georgia, and even as close as Madison.  Today, I am thankful that our home and family are intact.  I feel like we were so lucky--and I am going to buy a weather radio!

1 comment:

Nicole Smith said...

Love the Easter pictures!! Your children are fabulous and you have such a beautiful family :)