Sunday, April 17, 2011

See My Miracle

Thursday, March 31, 2011 Blessing #328

Look at her--the blessing is easy today!

I know that it is a miracle that I am able to have a happy, healthy baby with a man I adore.  Thank you, God, for this gift.

Friday, April 1, 2011 Blessing #329

Henslee had her one month check up today. She is happy and healthy.  I can't help but think about the mothers who try to conceive-and can't, or the mothers without access to health care who lose their lives during delivery, or the mothers who lose their babies to preventable diseases, and I thank God.  So, I'm tired. My life with three children is crazy.  We owe a ton of money and have barely any in savings. I am rich beyond measure in all the ways that matter!

Saturday, April 2, 2011 Blessing #330

Soccer and the Farm--two of my favorite things all in one day!  The weather was perfect for a day spent outside and Mom made meat loaf.  I am so thankful that my parents are close enough that we can pop over sometimes--and get a little taste of home.  The farm was gorgeous--and I feel like Henslee arrived and brought spring time with her.  Everywhere I looked today I saw signs of life, hope, and joy.  What a gift!

Sunday, April 3, 2011 Blessing #331

Talk about a comedy of errors. We were up in time to get to church--in fact we were dressed for Sunday School.  Then, Henslee had to nurse before we got there.  So, we decided to feed her, go out to breakfast, and then head to church.  Well, our breakfast out was a nightmare--no place to sit, late getting fed, etc, and long story short, we were all dressed up and never made it to church.  The blessing--I didn't even get upset!  Me, the type A control freak--I mean, we did our best! It just wasn't in the cards.  The more experience (and children) I have, the more I realize how little I actually control.  You  know, it is very freeing to give up that illusion and learn to roll with things.  I'm thankful I can't be in charge of it all.....and grateful for the faith I have in the One who is.


jason said...

Beautiful pictures!

Thank you for sharing

Nicole Smith said...

I love the pictures!! Such a precious little girl! :)