Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Going Buggy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011 Blessing #307

Check out the ginormous dragon fly in the middle of that photo.  Today was the dress rehearsal for the 2nd grade play at Athens Academy.  Grandmommy, Nana, Granna, and I decided it was best to take Henslee and watch the dress rehearsal than go to the actual play (talk about crowded--nothing packs the place like a Pre school or lower school play).  Chip was a riot--at one point there was a free style component and he was getting down!  He is really coming into his own and growing into the spotlight.  There is just nothing like seeing your child shine on stage--and love doing it!

But my favorite moment was before the show started--I just happened to see him elbow his friend and say, "look, there's MY baby!"  He is so proud of his sisters--even the newest one that requires so much of Mommy's attention.  What a kid!

Friday, March 11, 2011 Blessing #308

Today Trey and I divided and conquered--and I have the feeling it is just first of countless times we will be employing that strategy.  While he headed to the real performance of Chip's play, Granna and I took Henslee for a check up.  Today I am thrilled that I have a partner in this parenting gig--that we have other family who will help us, and that my newest daughter is healthy!  I've said it before, but it really does take a village!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011 Blessing #309

Turns out, we can do it! Chip and Katie had soccer games at the same time today--luckily on side by side fields.  Trey coached Chip's team, and I stood right in the middle of the two fields wearing Henslee in the MOBY wrap (this is the greatest device ever--much better than the sling I used with the other two)
.  I finally got into a rhythm--"Go, Chip!" turn "Go, Katie!" look down pat baby's hiney and ask, "Henslee, are you hungry, yet?" And then repeat.  I was a bit worried about pulling all this off, but today I realized I am golden right up until a kid gets sick or until Henslee is darting to the parking lot.  Thank heaven babies come out and stay still for a while!  Even the blowout diaper in the car was doable. So, she had to eat lunch practically naked b/c of her soiled clothes? So what if my shirt smelled like sour milk?  I mean in the grand scheme of things I've got this handled.  I suppose I just don't get as stressed about being perfect with baby #3, and that is exactly how it should be.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Blessing #310

It was so great to see our church family.  Everyone oohed and aahed appropriately--and I am tickled to death to be settling into our new normal.  We were back at church, out to lunch, and this afternoon I was back on to exercising. I went for a long walk today and it was fabulous.  I am feeling strong and normal again.  Oh, it will take a while for me to get my stamina back (and I know better than to even think my figure will ever fully recover), but my mind and body benefit so much from exercise and fresh air.   Today I am thankful for settling into normal and for being well enough and strong enough to get walking!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Moon Walk

Tuesday March 8, 2011 Blessing #305

I am starting to look like myself again. It is wild how losing 10 pounds of baby makes me feel so light on my feet.  I am just 6 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, and when I walk I feel like I'm in a near zero gravity environment.  Feels like I'm walking on the moon.

Each day I am getting rid of extra fluid, and the muffin tops that had settled on my ankles are finally gone!  As much as I love being pregnant, it is not designed to be a permanent condition.  There comes the time when Mom and Baby are ready for it to be over and Henslee and I had reached that point.  No more achiness in my pelvis, no more puffy feet, and no more crazy maneuvers just so I can get up off the couch.  It is so great to remember what normal and healthy feel like in this body!

And, Thank God for Granna who got all the laundry done and Katie to soccer!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Blessing #306

Back to Dr. Glassman today!  Her weight is holding steady, we are still checking her bilirubin and waiting for it to peak and then fall.  I am just spending hours staring at her--watching her sleep, watching her breathe, and looking forward to those precious few moments every few hours when she's awake.  There is nothing like the gaze of newborn to captivate my attention.  What the world must look like to her--after being in my womb for months.  It is amazing to watch her look around, take it all in, and see things for the first time.  In fact, imagining how she preceives things makes everything seem fresh to me--it is as if she brought with her newness and possibility.  And all this as the daffodils are blooming--spring is the perfect time to have a baby!

Appreciating this Body!

Monday March 7, 2011 Blessing #304

Older kids were up early and off on the bus...that has been such a great thing! Granna is here, and she had them dressed with lunches made before Henslee and I had even emerged from her bedroom. Then we were off to the Dr. so Dr. Glassman could check over little miss and see about her weight gain and degree of jaundice.  She is putting her weight back on--I think she lost to 9 pounds and 3 ounces, and today was back up to 9 pounds and 9 ounces.   Her yellowness is still around though, so we'll be doing some more bilirubin checks this week.

At least she is eating great--I have been blessed 3 times now with fantastic nursers.  All of my children arrived knowing how to nurse effectively-in fact, Chip taught me.  I am so grateful b/c I know lots of women have a hard time with it, and ultimately go the way of the bottle.  Had it not worked well for me, I might have done the same--and I would have missed my now favorite part of new mommy hood.  It is another reason to marvel at what my body can do--to appreciate it (despite the stretch marks and pudges in places there didn't use to be any!), and it serves as a reunion between Mom and Baby.  After 9 months physically linked-the separation is traumatic for both Mom and Baby and the feedings allow us to reconnect.

Nursing also forces me to sit down and focus on what is really important in my life.  It is one of the few times I am filled with peace that comes with knowing I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. What a blessing for this OCD, perfectionist, and exhausted Mommy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Never easier....

Counting blessings has never been easier----

Saturday, March 5 2011 Blessing #302

By some miracle Trey got Chip to his rehearsal for the piano recital that comes tomorrow.  My Mom helped me get all the clothes put away that she and Jane had washed while they stayed here with the kids.  She also went to the grocery store for me.  It is unlike me to be able to accept help even, but I've learned my lesson (only took 3 kids)--this fatigue is how I am supposed to feel, and I'm supposed to listen to my body.  The bonding that happens between mother and baby is miraculous.  She cries, I nurse, the hormones get circulating and I get motherly and drowsy.  It literally becomes physically impossible to separate myself from my baby.  Anyway, as all this important Mom and baby connections are developing, I'm thrilled to have other folks taking care of the daily stuff.  I'm so lucky!

Sunday, March 6, 2011 Blessing #303

Wow, he is impressive!  This kid has to be exhausted after the week we've had.  Different folks putting him to bed at different times, plus the near all nighter at the hospital.  He really didn't have much time to practice his piano, but he nailed it.  He wavered a bit yesterday-he wasn't sure he could pull it off, but then today he got up there and hit it out of the park.  Granna, Nan, Nana, Papa, and Aunt Melanie were all with us in the audience--and Henslee slept right through it. 

I am so glad that I was able to see him shine...and then Trey and I were off with the baby to the hospital to get her bilirubin checked and Granna took Chip from piano to his soccer scrimmage.  Again, I am amazed at how many of us it takes to get the job done!  Thank God for this family!

Food Glorious Food!

Friday, March 4, 2011 Blessing #301

It was amazing to wake up at home today.  Indeed, I woke up several times today--every 2 hours to be exact so I could nurse Henslee.  And, each time I woke up, I was glad to be home.  It is fabulous to be here with a healthy Mom and a healthy baby (I got very sick with childbed fever after Katie was born).  I am thrilled that I have brought my baby home to a house with clean windows, a completed nursery, and clean baseboards.  Trivial perhaps, but this nesting thing is for real......

Even better--my Mom was here to help with breakfast, get the kids on the bus to school, and ooh and aah over my little girl.  Then, my Daddy came after work to spend the night with us too--so I was surrounded by helping, loving hands.  Mom made a pot roast that was to die for--and perfect milk making food! Never in my life have I been this hungry!

Anyway, the blessing today? Trey and I are so lucky to have a home that we can be proud to bring a baby into.  We are fortunate to have family surround us and help us welcome her, and I am happy to have plenty to eat.  Mommy has to eat for baby to eat.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Food Glorious Food!

Thursday March 3, 2011 Blessing #300

Home sweet home!  Finally, we left the hospital at 9:30pm.  Henslee had a little low blood sugar, and we had to wean her off a sugar IV before we could leave.  I am beyond tired--but when we got home and found my Mom there with a homemade meat loaf I sat down and cried. They were tears of relief, exhaustion, joy, and hunger!  I have never in my life been as hungry as I am nursing this baby. I swear with each nursing she must be getting the equivalent of a Muscle Milk!

Anyway, the blessing today--Thank God for my mother and her meat loaf.  Thank God that I checked into the hospital healthy and checked out the same way.  Thank God for my healthy baby and my home.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Love Multiplies

Wednesday March 2, 2011 Blessing #299

Well, I am tired.  The whole newborn thing is tough enough, but I got started down one night of sleep since I labored overnight.  Anyway, I am back and forth between elation and exhaustion-and today I am thankful for the family who is supporting us and helping us welcome Henslee.  I know I couldn't do it without them. When we headed to the hospital Monday night, my sister and then Granna were with the kids at home-Granna and PawPaw stayed with them till 3:30 am when they woke them and brought them to the hospital.  Having Granna with the kids allowed Trey to stay with me--and nothing brought my blood pressure down (talk about fluid overloaded!) like having him nearby.  My Mom and my sister, Jean, took turns walking the hospital halls with me as I labored-and managed to keep me laughing and relaxed until the very end when it was time to get serious about birthing. 

When Trey needed to leave to get Katie to soccer or Chip to soccer, there were folks to take over for him in the hospital.  Our Pastor came today and prayed a beautiful prayer asking for blessings for Henslee-one of the blessings she has already received is a large, loving, extended family.  So, today, the blessing is that I am surrounded--and so are my children--by family who love us.  The bigger the family the more love there is---my Mom always says, love doesn't divide, it multiplies.  What a truth and what a gift.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Henslee Paris Scott-A Promise, A Possibility

Tuesday March 1, 2010 Blessing #298

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.
Kate Douglas Wiggin

Welcome to our family, Henslee Paris Scott.  What a gift from God you are! I am counting blessings, and today you made it easy for me.  About 11pm last night, I really started contracting hard--and you arrived (all 10 pounds and 20.25 inches of you) at 4:27 am.  You might be the biggest of the babies I've birthed, but you were also the easiest.  You carry the names of great people--of your Grandmother Jane Henslee Scott, and her father Miles Henslee, and of your Maternal great grandmother Evelyn Paris.  I hope that the love of your namesakes uplifts you and reminds you that you are made of really good, strong stuff.

I promise to mother you the best way I can--I promise to love you unconditionally forever.  I want you to know that your Dad and I are thankful for the privilege of being your parents.  This parenting thing is the hardest work we have ever done--but it is also the best and the most important.  We will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and prepare you for a life of hard work, happiness, hope, faith, and love.  This is a day that I will cherish forever--and I will cherish you each day from now on.

 Most special today was seeing your  brother Chip and your sister Katie welcome you to the world.  Chip was moved to tears by his love for you, and Katie beamed with pride at her little sister.  You are lucky to have them as we are to have you.

Today was an adventure for you and me, Henslee, but the real adventure is just beginning! I can't wait to see what your life and our love will bring!


Mother Nature....

Just so my six loyal readers know, I am working so hard to catch up.  I have all these blessings in my Wonder Woman notebook--but when you are up off and on all night with a new baby and chasing 2 other kids all day it is hard to sit still without falling asleep. Plus of course, I'm working for UGA and grading and planning for the Academy.  I haven't even started my thank you notes!  Please, don't give up on me!  I'm still making my bed, still not using the credit card, and still committed to counting blessings every day for 68 more days......I just need a grace period to get them on line!

Monday February 28, 2010 Blessing #297

Women's bodies have near-perfect knowledge of childbirth; it's when their brains get involved that things can go wrong.

Welcome to maternity leave.  After I took the kids to school today, I was totally unsure of what to do with myself.  My work is such a part of me that I had a hard time imagining my life without it. So, what did I do? I went to my other job of course!  I scoped out my new office, picked up my paycheck, and filled out paperwork. 

Then, I did what every non working woman should do on a Monday-I had a manicure, pedicure, and brow wax.  The way I see it--I have a clean car, clean closets, clean windows, dotted "i"s and "t"s at work---pretty much everything is in order to meet Henslee.  The last piece is readying my person.  Silly maybe-that as ginormous as I am, I think a pedicure and manicure will make me beautiful for meeting my baby, but there it is none the less.

Then, Mom came to go with me to see Dr. Goggin.  I sort of thought he might discover that I had already progressed to 3 or 4 cm and just send me to the hospital to get hooked up to Pitocin.  I mean all the contractions I have been having had to accomplish something, right?  Well, they did as we found Henslee is fully engaged in my pelvis, but I was still just a centimeter or so.  Dr. Goggin briefed me on coming to the hospital tomorrow night to begin the induction process, but I said, "I think she's just going to come on!"

Mom and I went to LOCOS--I ate a plate of nachos complete with jalapenos, and a big storm rolled in.  Just after Mom left town, Katie and I took Chip to piano.  I walked a few minutes outside Ms. Robertson's house--until I heard thunder.  Then we headed in to listen to the last part of his lesson.  As we stood up to leave--and I realized the bottom was about to fall out of the sky, my water broke.  That was a first for me-the dramatic water break at the onset of labor-I was really taken aback!  Anyway, Mother Nature knows about bringing on babies when it's time--and she decided it was time.

So, today I am so thankful that I got my last preparations completed, that I had time with my Mom, that my Dr. said we are both healthy, and that Henslee decided to come on.  Inductions are well and good, but in my experience things move much easier when both Mom and Baby are ready.  And today--we were ready!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Feather The Nest

Sunday February 27, 2010 Blessing #296

Trey spent all day yesterday at the Bethlehem Ministry board meeting--and he works all the time.  Normally, I work all the time too--but on Friday I realized that I needed to be at home, so I went ahead and informed the office that I would start leave tomorrow.  I just know she's about to come--if she doesn't on her own, then she will be coming Wednesday via induction.  I am too uncomfortable to  keep teaching--too swollen to keep standing or sitting, and I have really gotten so pregnant that I am just a BIG distraction for everyone as they all are worried that I am about to go into labor during "their class!".

So, I am thrilled that today our family was at home.  We got the finishing touches ready in Henslee's room--we played with the children, and we didn't feel in a hurry.  I napped off and on all day, sorted clothes, looked out my clean windows, and imagined holding my baby. I can't wait to meet her!

I saw the Light! And it opened up my eyes....

And I am happy now living without you...I've left you Ooohhhhh! (can you hear the Ace of Base song "Sign" as you read the title?--just checking your age).

February 26, 2010  Blessing #295

Well, I am thrilled to be living without the dirt that was caked on my windows. Today, I had the windows professionally cleaned by Hardwick Window Service-and it might be the best money I have ever spent!  I don't know what happened, but one day a month or so ago I looked at the windows and couldn't believe their degree of nastiness.  I just couldn't wrap my head around bringing home a clean, fresh, new baby to a house with dirty windows (this is a trend--I had the car detailed for the same reason!).  In fact, I could barely sleep knowing how dirty the windows were...but they are not anymore!  They are so clean I need sunglasses in the house.  The light in my home has been a fabulous pick me up--and I needed one today. I am having so many contractions and so much pelvic discomfort-this baby has to be coming soon.  Anyway, today I'm thankful for clean windows--and the feeling that my home is that much closer to ready to welcome Little Henslee.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby Baby there anything else to talk about?

Thursday February 24, 2010  Blessing #293

Ha!  To think I could have been at the hospital having a baby right now.  I am so glad I am not. I am thrilled to be at work-dotting Is and crossing Ts.   I needed this time to complete final prep for my absence, and I am thankful for it.  I suppose I'm nesting  at work just like I am at home.  Today, I worked on cleaning up my office so my sub would have plenty of room to work.  Also, I said all along that I hoped to make it until March 1st at work--so I am very excited that it is still in the realm of possibility.

Anyway, it was fabulous to have another day with my students--to finish up some things in my classroom, and to leave work feeling I had put things in some sort of order.  I know, order is an illusion-but it is such a happy one to a very pregnant lady.

Friday February 25, 2010 Blessing #294

My mom came today!  Out of the blue she came to spend time with me and it was wonderful. We laughed and dreamed about Henslee.  We had an incredible lunch at DePalmas, and even though I was very uncomfortable having contractions periodically her presence was so relaxing.  I know this baby is coming sooner rather than later, and I'm betting I'm not going to make it all the way to the induction date.  Without being graphic--a woman can just know as these changes start to happen, and I can tell we're headed in that direction.  So, today I am thankful for my Mom's visit-her calming influence, and apple walnut salad at Depalmas.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catching up To Baby

Yes, I know...ridiculously behind.   But I did have a baby--so it will take me a bit to catch up!  More info on her to come.....

Sunday, February 20 Blessing #289

After church today, I headed to my favorite restaurant-Depalmas-with 2 friends from my church for another "sprinkle".  It was a delightful afternoon with yummy food, laughter, and great conversation (whoo hoo and diapers!).  I am so lucky to be plugged into to networks of such wonderful people.  I am blessed that there are folks who care for me and my family enough to celebrate momentous occasions.  I know that when this baby comes my new, bigger family will be surrounded by love and support from our family and from our community.  Thank God for my community and for God's love that surrounds me and my family!

Monday, February 21 Blessing #290

Today is faculty development day--most of the time when you say those words to a teacher, they roll their eyes.  I don't really blame them.  I have worked in situations where faculty development was code for wasted time.  I feel very fortunate that at Athens Academy it really is time for us to develop (rather than be developed--as if that is something that someone can do to you!).  Time for teachers to stop and think, to explore collaborations or new lesson material, and to fellowship. Time for professionals to grow in their is part of what sets my school apart. 

Tuesday, February 22, Blessing #291

Henslee and I got a clean bill of health today.  That is the good news!  I am not going to lie-I'm pretty uncomfortable pretty often, and I'm beginning to be ready for D day.  It was wonderful today that Trey could attend the appointment with me. Especially since Dr. Goggin told us that it appears Henslee is already 9#10ounces.  I'm conflicted about that estimate--each pregnancy I have heard that my child was much bigger than either turned out to be.  There was lots of talk of induction, amnios, etc--and ultimately those babies just came early on their own.  I would much rather Henslee come when she decides, but nonetheless we agreed to have the amnio to check for lung maturity tomorrow.  If she's mature, Dr. G will want to induce sooner rather than there will be lots of decisions to make for Trey and me.

Anyhow, today I'm thankful for my doctor, my clean bill of health, and my husband.  I am also incredibly thankful for my education.  As we sat with Dr. Goggin and talked gestation, delivery, and options I couldn't help but wonder what folks do who are ignorant.  I feel empowered to question my doctors, and I hope desperately that my students will get there too.

Wednesday February 23, Blessing #292

Amnio today!  I can't believe how quickly I got an appointment. After I arrived at work, I got a phone call to come in at 10:45.  That required a good bit of juggling appointments and obligations, but having my long term sub in my classroom already is a huge help.  Anyway, Trey was able to meet me there and the procedure was a piece of cake.  My thinking was this--if I have the amnio the worst thing that will happen is I'll have the baby early. If I don't have this done, Dr. Goggin will induce me at 38 weeks and he will insist on dosing me full of steroids to help her lung development.  So, at least if her lungs are mature, I can avoid the steroids.  But still--I would rather her come on her own.

 After the amnio I had a lot of crampiness and contractions and headed home to rest.  My sister came over to sit with me till Trey got home.  I am so lucky to have family close!  Then the call came that Henslee lungs were certainly, if she needs to come on, at least her breathing should be OK.  Dr. Goggin called to say just come on to the hospital and lets have your baby....but I just couldn't do it. In fact, I burst into tears at the suggestion.  I didn't sleep last night b/c of contractions, I'm tired, my kids are hungry, my house is a mess, my oven is broken (yes, I know the baby doesn't go in there, but still!), I am out of groceries, and my kitchen is full of ants!  So I will see him on Monday...and we will go from there.  Right now the induction is tentatively scheduled for March 2--Mom's birthday!  Of course, I'm still hoping she comes on of her own accord.  Things just work out better when baby and Momma are ready.....So, thank God for my sister who helped me straighten up and kept me company.  Thank heaven for my baby who is ready for life on the outside, and thank God for my Dr. who laughed a bit, but said OK, see you Monday when I had a mini Mommy breakdown.