Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Special Treat

September 28, 2010 Blessing #154

 Granna and Nann came to visit.  We had so much fun, and they brought surprises for the kids.  Granna got Katie a gorgeous under sea princess costume, and Chip a Harry Potter Quidditch Style costume.  They were so excited and wore their costumes all over the house.  This mother is thrilled that she doesn't have to figure out Halloween in the middle of planning birthday parties and my trip to Minnesota.  Thank God!  Nann brought them "sacks" with fun Halloween surprises--new PJs for Chip and orange and black tee for Katie.  She wore it to school today...adorable.  I am so blessed with a wonderful, big family--so many people love and care for my children. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunny Days.....Taking the Clouds Away....On my way.....remember this?

September 27, 2010 Blessing #153

I didn't exercise all last week.  I was so tired from hiking in the mountains the week before, and then trying to catch up in my classes, I just couldn't find the minutes for it.  I'm sure it contributed to my dreary weekend-I think I'm more sensitive than most to changes in my body and mood, but when I haven't exercised I feel different.  I was determined that I would get back at it today--and woke up to a torrential downpour.  Then, amazingly, just as my free period was rolling around, the sky cleared and I got in a 1 hour walk in beautiful weather.  It was such a gift--it changed everything about my outlook, my energy level, and my mood.  So today I'm thankful for the period of sunshine--because it was raining shortly thereafter again.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running on Empty

I woke up teary on Friday morning.  I don't know--hormones, fatigue, and a chronic sense of being behind contributed to it.  Who knows what else is going on in that female brain of mine.  I just rolled over, looked at Trey, and said, "I don't know if I have it in me today."  Oh, I shook it off, and went on to have a decent day and evening on Friday, but it has made me think about the current pace of our lives.

Trey is working ridiculous hours at his job as a PT and seeing Personal training clients on the side. He's coaching Chip's soccer team, working as the athletic trainer for the Academy football team, attending meetings at church, and helping me maintain the house.  Because he goes in so early, I am solely responsible for dressing the kids, packing lunches, fixing breakfast, and getting them to school on time.  Most nights, he's not home for dinner either.  When you are prepping all 3 meals at home the dirty dishes seem to take on a life of their own.  Then we get to the weekend--we need to sleep, do the laundry, get the groceries for the coming week, and head to a soccer game and church....but it is also the only time we have to see extended family.  We have a large extended family nearby--so it is always someone's birthday or other major holiday.

Anyway, no wonder I'm tired.  I mean, I am so busy I forget--but I have to remind myself that I am growing a human.  Well, I don't know why it took me until now to do the blessings for Friday, Saturday, and today, but I just couldn't do it.  I walked past the computer several times and was deterred, I think b/c I wasn't sure how to find the blessing in my fatigued state.  But, I went to be bed early Friday-took a nap Saturday, and everything is looking a little more doable today.

So here we go:

Friday, September 24, 2010  Blessing #150

Payday.  It's time!  Now that this precious little girl is on the way, we are more anxious than every about eradicating our debt and increasing our revenue.  We are making headway-and that feels good.  Trey's personal training is bringing in money and we made it all month without having to use a credit card for groceries or gas.  Yes, I'm tired, but I have a job I love, and a husband who works hard.  Together we are providing for our family, and that feels good.

Saturday September 25, 2010 Blessing #151

The beautiful game--today was Chip's first soccer game of this season. He scored two goals (I missed the first one because Katie had to tee tee), but even better was the way he was thinking about strategy.  He was aware of his position and his teammates' position on the field. The kids were passing and setting up gorgeous scoring opportunities.  He was so proud of himself--it was a great thing to see.  Today I am thankful for his great experience, but also for coaches Joaquin and Trey who volunteer their time to ensure these kids have a meaningful experience.

Sunday, September 26, 2010 Blessing #152

I am excited to head back to my church today. For a while I was too tired or too nauseated--then we were with family or somewhere making presentations about Haiti, and I have missed it.  It will be good to see my community of faith, and I know I will leave feeling renewed.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sawing Logs...

September 23, 2010 Blessing #149  one day late!

I was so tired last night.  I feel asleep before I could even begin to type a blessing.  I think I'm still trying to recover from Interim Week with 70+ 10th graders.  Anyway, I had horrible heartburn and Katie had a leg ache-so I gave her Motrin, myself some TUMS and we felt so much better we went to sleep.  I remembered that when I was in Haiti a man came into the clinic with awful, chronic heartburn--he was unable to get relief from symptoms he had for months.  Couldn't even get a TUMS.  Isn't it amazing the conveniences we take for granted?  Today I am thankful for TUMS and other over the counter miracle workers.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Blessing #148, September 22, 2010

I am thrilled to go to bed.  It was a good but hectic and hard day.  I am exhausted and beyond grateful for a few minutes to be still, read Harry Potter with Chip, and close my eyes.  So, I'm blessed to have accomplished so much, and I am blessed to have this wonderful home to sleep in.  Accomplishing all the tasks of today have zapped me, and I am happy to recharge and start over tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

Is what this baby is made of. 

Blessing #147, September 21, 2010

I had an ultrasound today and learned I am carrying a baby girl.  That is wonderful  news--but even better is that so far everything about this little girl looks healthy and perfect.  I have been tired, had some queasiness, been a bit emotional....but seeing a healthy baby sister for Chip and Katie makes it all worth it.  There is something powerful between a mother and a daughter-not better than, but different than, what is between a mother and a son, and I feel so lucky to be able to mother another girl.  I also know there is a special bond between sisters that helped make me who I am (I have 4, remember?) and I am thrilled that these girls will get to share that. So tonight I am giddy with excitement at knowing a little more about my baby, and I am periodically crying tears of joy.  I just feel like my cup runneth over with all the good things in life.  Tonight I was hurrying to get dinner ready--I opened a cabinet and it fell of the hinges.  I didn't even curse.  This life isn't easy, but it is full of love and miracles and it is so good.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back on Line

So, I'm back on line.  Here we go!

Saturday, September 11, 2010 Blessing #137

Trey and Chip have left to head to Conyers.  We are attending church in Conyers with Trey's family so he can make a presentation.  Tonight it has just been us girls.  It has been wonderful--piled up on the sofa watching a princess movie, singing songs she's learning for Grandparent's Day at school, and drawing together.  But the best part is easy--We did a prenatal yoga DVD together.  Katie did every pose, and would look over at me and say, "Mom, does this hurt the baby?"  She's already worrying over this little munchkin.  That's something to be thankful for.

Sunday, September 12, 2010 Blessing #138

Today Trey spoke to the Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection about our recent work with Bethlehem Ministry in Haiti.  It was powerful.  When I think about how my husband has matured into a fabulous, empathetic, well spoken leader, I am overcome with pride and gratitude.  How did I get so lucky?

Monday, September 12, 2010 Blessing #139

Today I set out with Berry Rice to transport stuff to Dalton, Georgia where a contact is helping us ship things to Haiti.  We had a great time and made several jokes about the pregnant lady and the cripple headed off in the UHAUL for Haiti.  We were a sight, but the joke reminds me that no matter our limitations, there is a way we can make things better--everyone has gifts to use.

Tuesday, September 13, 2010, Blessing #140

Arrived at Camp Chatooga today with the 10th graders.  It is hard on my family for me to get here, but once I get here I enjoy the kids so much.  Today was Amazing Race day.  The 10th grade competed as advisories in an Amazing Race style competition.  Since my advisees are seniors, I didn't follow just one group, but walked around taking pictures and video.  I love seeing the kids work together to accomplish a task (giant jenga, riddles, etc) -kids you never knew had it in them emerge as leaders, and at the end of the day all the students are glowing with the feeling a job well done.  Add to it that I spent the day hiking all over the foothills of the Georgia Mountains, my meals are made for me (not gluten free, but it's the thought that counts), and the fabulous weather--it's a part of my job to be thankful for.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010  Blessing #141

The 10th grade girls went rafting today.  For the first time in the history of the trip we split the genders so the girls were rafting sans the boys.  I didn't get to go (gravid with child, blah,blah, blah), but I was there to see them come home.  Those girls were pumped--they had an energy that I believe came from feeling proud of their accomplishments.  A few years ago when I went with the kids, I remember noticing the tendency for girls to giggle and leave the real work for the boys--but splitting them up put a stop to that.   Don't get me wrong--I love to have doors opened for me and for my husband to pay for dates.  But, I also am so thankful my parents taught me to learn how to take care of and provide for myself.  I think we do a real service for girls when we encourage them to discover their strength.  I am thankful they found some today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010 Blessing #142

Two more babies!  Today I heard that my Sister-in-law is expecting twins!  Holy shnikies--3 babies are now on the way in the Scott family.  What could be a bigger blessing?  Her babies will come just a month or so after mine-which means they will be like the 3 muskateers at family gatherings.  We are one lucky family!

Friday, September 17, 2010  Blessing #143

Left camp and arrived in Helen for the surprise weekend Trey and Courtni planned for Granna.  It has been a big success.  Great to see my family and Granna was totally surprised.  But let's talk about my husband.  While I was gone he did it all--lunches, helping with homework, fixing breakfast, bath time, and the rest.  He did all this and got the groceries packed for the Helen trip, packed up each kid for the weekend, and managed to still be smiling when we saw each other.  I'm not surprised--I'm no dummy, and I married a very capable, very involved, very committed father.  But I am proud and he is the most important blessing in my life.

Saturday, September 18, 2010  Blessing #144

Well, I can't write about the Bulldogs, but I can write about the fabulous nap I got to take during the 4th quarter.  The week with the kids at camp caught up with me, and I just couldn't fight it.  Actually, except for the football game it was a nearly perfect day.  We had a great breakfast, I did a hike along serious hills with Courtni, had a solid nap-and then an incredible meal at the Nacoochee Grill.  We laughed and relaxed together--Chip and Katie played for hours with their cousins.  So, except for the Arkansas game, everything seemed right today.  That's a pretty good feeling.

Sunday, September 19, 2010  Blessing #145

Thank God I'm home safely.  It's all been wonderful, but there's nothing like having my whole family home together.  We are so lucky to have this wonderful place to come home to.  There is so much to do--clothes, groceries, planning for instruction....but so what?  It is amazing to walk in the back door smell the smell of home, and feel like we can really let down.  Thank God for our home.

Monday, September 20, 2010  Blessing #146

Katie can't stop singing--all songs she's learned in music class.  Songs about Grandparents, songs by Bob Marley, songs about the camel with 5 humps.  Today I am thrilled that this little girl is so happy the music is pouring out of her.  What could mean more to a parent than seeing happiness erupt from her child?  I am so lucky.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Without Internet!

So sorry!  Trey had to leave with the laptop on Saturday.  I do have the computer back now...but my internet is cutting in and out--the computer keeps freezing up.  Anyway, I am doing blessings by hand.  I will be gone until Sunday night without the computer.....

Am still counting and writing blessings. Will update with all when I get home.

Friday, September 10, 2010

We Should Snuggle!

Brother got to ride home with a friend after school today--on the bus!  I can't remember a time I thought the bus was cool, but he was pumped. Katie and I will meet him in a little while at the Academy football game, but now we're enjoying a little girl time.

After supper, we were sitting on the couch watching Bolt.  She loves any movie with dogs...I was mindlessly flipping through a Parenting magazine and listening to the movie.  It wasn't enough of my attention for her.  Katie got up, took the magazine right out of my lap, and said, "We should snuggle."  She climbed up, positioned me just how she needed me, and never thought of apologizing for interrupting my reading.  Of course, she shouldn't have---she was right.  We did need to snuggle.  I leaned over and told her "I love being your Mom," and she fired back with "me too."  Pretty special stuff.

Blessing #136, September 10, 2010

I'm glad that Katie knows what she needs, and that she's not afraid to remind me. I 'm thankful for time with just us-it's rare for the 2nd child, but when it happens its precious.

Joyful Noise

Yesterday we got notice in the mail that it is time to renew our scholarship for the little girl we send to school in Terrier Rouge, Haiti.  We pay just $200 to send her to St. Bartholomew's School--we met her when we first visited, and she was the age of my daughter at the time. Her mother was single, and the father wasn't helping her support the children at all (in Haiti it isn't a simple as taking him to court--no one can afford that).  She was able to find work at the school, and both of her daughters are now there on scholarships.   The little girl we support is named MithShercy, and she gets to learn from the best teachers in Haiti, take music and PE, play on a playground, and eat a balanced meal for lunch.   If she's ill, she gets seen about at the clinic next door--Clinque Esperance et Vie.  We visited her again in March--she is growing fast in size, esteem, and promise.  The education she is getting is changing her life--and the educated children will one day change Haiti.

I will never forget watching those precious children-many who only get to eat at school, wait patiently until each child was served, before they would sing a joyful blessing and eat. At the same school, I listened as the teachers sang hymns of happiness and thanksgiving during a faculty meeting (if you aren't a teacher, let me assure you this doesn't happen in the States).  The teachers, the students, the parents-they all recognize they are a part of something special.

Blessing #135, September 9, 2010 (one day late)

I am thankful for my visits to Haiti and the lessons I have learned. I am thankful that my children have enough to eat, medical care, and access to excellent education. I am blessed to be a part of Bethlehem Ministry and to work with people determined to change the world.

Visit Bethlehem Ministry Here!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Teach the World to Sing

Yes, Yes, late again. I guess I spoke to soon about the whole feeling better thing, because I came home yesterday with a headache, horrific nausea, and total exhaustion. I didn't move from the couch until bedtime-and that was around 8:30.  I guess I just overdid it when I thought I had landed squarely in the 2nd trimester. 

Anyhow, there were still loads of blessings-but one that out shines them all.  Yesterday on the way to school Chip was telling me about a song he's learning in music class to sing for his Grandparents on Grandparents' and Special Friends' day at school.  He said, "It's a song about teaching the world to sing.  During journal time today, I'm going to draw the world and put a person on the top and bottom and each side and draw music notes in the thought clouds."  The blessings in the moment were many for me--my son can't wait to get to school to write and be creative.  He isn't afraid to draw or sing, or write.  He is full of optimism about the possibility of the whole world being united in song, and he is happy. Plus it reminded me of something great from my childhood....remember this?

September 8, 2010 (one day late) Blessing #134

I'm thankful for my son's sweet spirit.  I'm thankful that he gets to sing, draw, and write at school.  And, I'm blessed beyone measure that he is so happy at school that he can't wait to get there.  That's big for a Mom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Nap!

I hope it is a sign of things to come, but I have been going strong and feeling hungry all day.  I have been tired and queasy for so long, I forgot what it's like to feel good!

Blessing #133, September 8, 2010

I am thankful for feeling energetic.  Finally,  I feel like I can tackle the to do list--instead of just sleeping while it grows. 

Free Stuff!

I was up early today--furious with myself for falling asleep before I graded that stack of papers and before I caught up on my blessing.  Maybe I should just start writing in the morning....this baby shuts me down at night!  My day at work promises to be hectic, because I'm starting behind, but I'm trying to not equate hectic with bad.  I always tell my kids, "Decide to have a good day, and that's usually what happens!"  But, it's not always as easy as it sounds.  In any case, here's my blessing for yesterday......

September 7, 2010 Blessing #132  (still a day late).....

I am thankful that I saved my maternity clothes.  I spent the day cleaning out my closet-packing up things I can't wear for a while (and maybe ever again, but here's hoping) and unpacking maternity clothes I'd been storing in the garage.  Then I picked up a high chair and book case for the baby's room from my sister, and I will get a crib from her later on.  Somewhere around here I have stored a pack and play, boy and girl clothes, a baby sling, and monitor.  Thank the Lord--because we don't have two nickels to rub together!  Oh, I believe that He (or She, don't get me started) provides, but sometimes its through our own thriftiness.  I have been anxious about where this baby will sleep, what it will wear, and what I'm going to wear on the way up and down--and today some of those anxieties are gone.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wildflowers Galore

Still a day late, (and always at least a dollar short, but that's for another post), but I'll get caught up today.  We spent the day at the farm with my parents, and I could write about so many things!  I took a long walk with my Dad around that beautiful place, then took another one with my sister.  I got to watch Chip and Katie drive the golf cart down to see the cows.  We made memories that will bring laughs for years to come as we tried to herd the chickens back into their pen.  I crawled up in the bed with Mom to laugh, talk, and look over cabinet ideas for the kitchen she's building.  It was all fabulous and much needed time with my family.  Then we called Jane and found that she is handling her first round of chemo like a champ.  It was an all around great day.
The real kicker was when Katie began to pick flowers.  She was playing just outside the cabin, and she kept bringing in flower after flower for me to "keep safe."  They were brilliantly colored-and I thought she had found the motherload of wildflowers.  She gave flowers to Papa, Dad, Cary, Nana, and me, and then came back repeatedly to check on and fuss over the flowers.  This went on for at least a half hour.  Finally Mom informs me that she was pulling all of the flowers out of the window boxes just outside the door--but that I shouldn't dare stop her.  She believed they were there for the picking and the sharing (I have zero knowledge of ornamental plants), and my Mom couldn't bear to correct her.

Blessing #131 September 5, 2010  A day Late

What a blessing that Katie saw beautiful flowers and assumed they were to be picked and shared.  It never occurred to her that Mom put them there--a beautiful flower must have come from God.  How wonderful that her Nana allowed her to continue until every blossom was gone from the window box.  It was a precious moment!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What I'm Supposed To Do

Yesterday was perfect--right up until I fell asleep without writing my blessing.  Usually, I would be furious with myself for not getting it done.  However, this baby has served as a much needed reminder that I can only do all I can do.  I did a good bit yesterday too-the clothes got washed, I started cleaning out my closet, cleaned out Jilly's cage, and watched the Dawgs win.  But the best part of my day was the few minutes I had all to myself in the morning.

Blessing #130 September 4, 2010

I was the first one up yesterday. I had a few minutes to sit at the dining table, sip hot tea, and relish in the thought that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to.  That thought brings a great deal of peace with it--and when I am pregnant or nursing a baby, regardless of the work, fatigue, anxiety about money, etc, I enjoy that feeling more than at other times in my life.  It is a remarkable result of millions of years of evolution that pregnancy and nursing bring such contentment.  I believe it is also a  miracle.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Letting Down

A 3 day weekend is just what the baby ordered.  I am so excited to have time (between naps, of course) to inventory maternity clothes, organize my closet, watch the dogs,  and play with my children.  The kids are still carried away with the idea of a new baby--they keep talking to and rubbing my tummy.  Might be the cutest thing ever.

It has been a fabulous, but long week. We considered going to the Academy football game tonight--but when we were on the way home Chip informed me that he wouldn't be up for the game until he'd had a 4 hour nap. So, we are piled up on the blue sofa watching Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in The Tooth Fairy.  We will turn in early, sleep late, and enjoy the letting down that comes with knowing we have no card to punch tomorrow.

September 3, 2010 Blessing #129

I am thankful for a few low key days with my family, a break  in the heat, and that my children are still fired up about this new baby.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pleading for Mercy.....

Last night I had every intention of typing my blessing.  However, my body refused to cooperate.  I had to sleep.  It wasn't the relax on the couch and doze kind of sleep.  It was the "slur my speech if I don't lie down immediately" kind of sleep. There was no negotiating. 

So, I owe two blessings least finding them isn't hard.

September 1, 2010  Blessing #127

It was wonderful to share my pregnancy with my students and colleagues.  Everyone was so excited and full of well wishes for our family.  I am a part of a wonderful community, and today I am acknowledging that blessing.

September 2, 2010 Blessing #128

Today I am thankful for bake potatoes, grilled chicken, and pickles.  Pregnancy cravings are fascinating to me, because I am completely unable to deny myself when one strikes. Nothing tastes as great as that first bite of the current craving.  Romantic maybe, but I think it is a way that my body makes sure the baby's body get what it needs.  What an amazing journey I am on.