Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running on Empty

I woke up teary on Friday morning.  I don't know--hormones, fatigue, and a chronic sense of being behind contributed to it.  Who knows what else is going on in that female brain of mine.  I just rolled over, looked at Trey, and said, "I don't know if I have it in me today."  Oh, I shook it off, and went on to have a decent day and evening on Friday, but it has made me think about the current pace of our lives.

Trey is working ridiculous hours at his job as a PT and seeing Personal training clients on the side. He's coaching Chip's soccer team, working as the athletic trainer for the Academy football team, attending meetings at church, and helping me maintain the house.  Because he goes in so early, I am solely responsible for dressing the kids, packing lunches, fixing breakfast, and getting them to school on time.  Most nights, he's not home for dinner either.  When you are prepping all 3 meals at home the dirty dishes seem to take on a life of their own.  Then we get to the weekend--we need to sleep, do the laundry, get the groceries for the coming week, and head to a soccer game and church....but it is also the only time we have to see extended family.  We have a large extended family nearby--so it is always someone's birthday or other major holiday.

Anyway, no wonder I'm tired.  I mean, I am so busy I forget--but I have to remind myself that I am growing a human.  Well, I don't know why it took me until now to do the blessings for Friday, Saturday, and today, but I just couldn't do it.  I walked past the computer several times and was deterred, I think b/c I wasn't sure how to find the blessing in my fatigued state.  But, I went to be bed early Friday-took a nap Saturday, and everything is looking a little more doable today.

So here we go:

Friday, September 24, 2010  Blessing #150

Payday.  It's time!  Now that this precious little girl is on the way, we are more anxious than every about eradicating our debt and increasing our revenue.  We are making headway-and that feels good.  Trey's personal training is bringing in money and we made it all month without having to use a credit card for groceries or gas.  Yes, I'm tired, but I have a job I love, and a husband who works hard.  Together we are providing for our family, and that feels good.

Saturday September 25, 2010 Blessing #151

The beautiful game--today was Chip's first soccer game of this season. He scored two goals (I missed the first one because Katie had to tee tee), but even better was the way he was thinking about strategy.  He was aware of his position and his teammates' position on the field. The kids were passing and setting up gorgeous scoring opportunities.  He was so proud of himself--it was a great thing to see.  Today I am thankful for his great experience, but also for coaches Joaquin and Trey who volunteer their time to ensure these kids have a meaningful experience.

Sunday, September 26, 2010 Blessing #152

I am excited to head back to my church today. For a while I was too tired or too nauseated--then we were with family or somewhere making presentations about Haiti, and I have missed it.  It will be good to see my community of faith, and I know I will leave feeling renewed.

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