Thursday, September 9, 2010

Teach the World to Sing

Yes, Yes, late again. I guess I spoke to soon about the whole feeling better thing, because I came home yesterday with a headache, horrific nausea, and total exhaustion. I didn't move from the couch until bedtime-and that was around 8:30.  I guess I just overdid it when I thought I had landed squarely in the 2nd trimester. 

Anyhow, there were still loads of blessings-but one that out shines them all.  Yesterday on the way to school Chip was telling me about a song he's learning in music class to sing for his Grandparents on Grandparents' and Special Friends' day at school.  He said, "It's a song about teaching the world to sing.  During journal time today, I'm going to draw the world and put a person on the top and bottom and each side and draw music notes in the thought clouds."  The blessings in the moment were many for me--my son can't wait to get to school to write and be creative.  He isn't afraid to draw or sing, or write.  He is full of optimism about the possibility of the whole world being united in song, and he is happy. Plus it reminded me of something great from my childhood....remember this?

September 8, 2010 (one day late) Blessing #134

I'm thankful for my son's sweet spirit.  I'm thankful that he gets to sing, draw, and write at school.  And, I'm blessed beyone measure that he is so happy at school that he can't wait to get there.  That's big for a Mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Memory...Good childhood...pass it forward!!

