Sunday, September 5, 2010

What I'm Supposed To Do

Yesterday was perfect--right up until I fell asleep without writing my blessing.  Usually, I would be furious with myself for not getting it done.  However, this baby has served as a much needed reminder that I can only do all I can do.  I did a good bit yesterday too-the clothes got washed, I started cleaning out my closet, cleaned out Jilly's cage, and watched the Dawgs win.  But the best part of my day was the few minutes I had all to myself in the morning.

Blessing #130 September 4, 2010

I was the first one up yesterday. I had a few minutes to sit at the dining table, sip hot tea, and relish in the thought that I was doing exactly what I was supposed to.  That thought brings a great deal of peace with it--and when I am pregnant or nursing a baby, regardless of the work, fatigue, anxiety about money, etc, I enjoy that feeling more than at other times in my life.  It is a remarkable result of millions of years of evolution that pregnancy and nursing bring such contentment.  I believe it is also a  miracle.

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