Friday, September 10, 2010

Joyful Noise

Yesterday we got notice in the mail that it is time to renew our scholarship for the little girl we send to school in Terrier Rouge, Haiti.  We pay just $200 to send her to St. Bartholomew's School--we met her when we first visited, and she was the age of my daughter at the time. Her mother was single, and the father wasn't helping her support the children at all (in Haiti it isn't a simple as taking him to court--no one can afford that).  She was able to find work at the school, and both of her daughters are now there on scholarships.   The little girl we support is named MithShercy, and she gets to learn from the best teachers in Haiti, take music and PE, play on a playground, and eat a balanced meal for lunch.   If she's ill, she gets seen about at the clinic next door--Clinque Esperance et Vie.  We visited her again in March--she is growing fast in size, esteem, and promise.  The education she is getting is changing her life--and the educated children will one day change Haiti.

I will never forget watching those precious children-many who only get to eat at school, wait patiently until each child was served, before they would sing a joyful blessing and eat. At the same school, I listened as the teachers sang hymns of happiness and thanksgiving during a faculty meeting (if you aren't a teacher, let me assure you this doesn't happen in the States).  The teachers, the students, the parents-they all recognize they are a part of something special.

Blessing #135, September 9, 2010 (one day late)

I am thankful for my visits to Haiti and the lessons I have learned. I am thankful that my children have enough to eat, medical care, and access to excellent education. I am blessed to be a part of Bethlehem Ministry and to work with people determined to change the world.

Visit Bethlehem Ministry Here!

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