Monday, September 20, 2010

Back on Line

So, I'm back on line.  Here we go!

Saturday, September 11, 2010 Blessing #137

Trey and Chip have left to head to Conyers.  We are attending church in Conyers with Trey's family so he can make a presentation.  Tonight it has just been us girls.  It has been wonderful--piled up on the sofa watching a princess movie, singing songs she's learning for Grandparent's Day at school, and drawing together.  But the best part is easy--We did a prenatal yoga DVD together.  Katie did every pose, and would look over at me and say, "Mom, does this hurt the baby?"  She's already worrying over this little munchkin.  That's something to be thankful for.

Sunday, September 12, 2010 Blessing #138

Today Trey spoke to the Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection about our recent work with Bethlehem Ministry in Haiti.  It was powerful.  When I think about how my husband has matured into a fabulous, empathetic, well spoken leader, I am overcome with pride and gratitude.  How did I get so lucky?

Monday, September 12, 2010 Blessing #139

Today I set out with Berry Rice to transport stuff to Dalton, Georgia where a contact is helping us ship things to Haiti.  We had a great time and made several jokes about the pregnant lady and the cripple headed off in the UHAUL for Haiti.  We were a sight, but the joke reminds me that no matter our limitations, there is a way we can make things better--everyone has gifts to use.

Tuesday, September 13, 2010, Blessing #140

Arrived at Camp Chatooga today with the 10th graders.  It is hard on my family for me to get here, but once I get here I enjoy the kids so much.  Today was Amazing Race day.  The 10th grade competed as advisories in an Amazing Race style competition.  Since my advisees are seniors, I didn't follow just one group, but walked around taking pictures and video.  I love seeing the kids work together to accomplish a task (giant jenga, riddles, etc) -kids you never knew had it in them emerge as leaders, and at the end of the day all the students are glowing with the feeling a job well done.  Add to it that I spent the day hiking all over the foothills of the Georgia Mountains, my meals are made for me (not gluten free, but it's the thought that counts), and the fabulous weather--it's a part of my job to be thankful for.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010  Blessing #141

The 10th grade girls went rafting today.  For the first time in the history of the trip we split the genders so the girls were rafting sans the boys.  I didn't get to go (gravid with child, blah,blah, blah), but I was there to see them come home.  Those girls were pumped--they had an energy that I believe came from feeling proud of their accomplishments.  A few years ago when I went with the kids, I remember noticing the tendency for girls to giggle and leave the real work for the boys--but splitting them up put a stop to that.   Don't get me wrong--I love to have doors opened for me and for my husband to pay for dates.  But, I also am so thankful my parents taught me to learn how to take care of and provide for myself.  I think we do a real service for girls when we encourage them to discover their strength.  I am thankful they found some today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010 Blessing #142

Two more babies!  Today I heard that my Sister-in-law is expecting twins!  Holy shnikies--3 babies are now on the way in the Scott family.  What could be a bigger blessing?  Her babies will come just a month or so after mine-which means they will be like the 3 muskateers at family gatherings.  We are one lucky family!

Friday, September 17, 2010  Blessing #143

Left camp and arrived in Helen for the surprise weekend Trey and Courtni planned for Granna.  It has been a big success.  Great to see my family and Granna was totally surprised.  But let's talk about my husband.  While I was gone he did it all--lunches, helping with homework, fixing breakfast, bath time, and the rest.  He did all this and got the groceries packed for the Helen trip, packed up each kid for the weekend, and managed to still be smiling when we saw each other.  I'm not surprised--I'm no dummy, and I married a very capable, very involved, very committed father.  But I am proud and he is the most important blessing in my life.

Saturday, September 18, 2010  Blessing #144

Well, I can't write about the Bulldogs, but I can write about the fabulous nap I got to take during the 4th quarter.  The week with the kids at camp caught up with me, and I just couldn't fight it.  Actually, except for the football game it was a nearly perfect day.  We had a great breakfast, I did a hike along serious hills with Courtni, had a solid nap-and then an incredible meal at the Nacoochee Grill.  We laughed and relaxed together--Chip and Katie played for hours with their cousins.  So, except for the Arkansas game, everything seemed right today.  That's a pretty good feeling.

Sunday, September 19, 2010  Blessing #145

Thank God I'm home safely.  It's all been wonderful, but there's nothing like having my whole family home together.  We are so lucky to have this wonderful place to come home to.  There is so much to do--clothes, groceries, planning for instruction....but so what?  It is amazing to walk in the back door smell the smell of home, and feel like we can really let down.  Thank God for our home.

Monday, September 20, 2010  Blessing #146

Katie can't stop singing--all songs she's learned in music class.  Songs about Grandparents, songs by Bob Marley, songs about the camel with 5 humps.  Today I am thrilled that this little girl is so happy the music is pouring out of her.  What could mean more to a parent than seeing happiness erupt from her child?  I am so lucky.

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