Friday, September 24, 2010

Sawing Logs...

September 23, 2010 Blessing #149  one day late!

I was so tired last night.  I feel asleep before I could even begin to type a blessing.  I think I'm still trying to recover from Interim Week with 70+ 10th graders.  Anyway, I had horrible heartburn and Katie had a leg ache-so I gave her Motrin, myself some TUMS and we felt so much better we went to sleep.  I remembered that when I was in Haiti a man came into the clinic with awful, chronic heartburn--he was unable to get relief from symptoms he had for months.  Couldn't even get a TUMS.  Isn't it amazing the conveniences we take for granted?  Today I am thankful for TUMS and other over the counter miracle workers.

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