Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Awards Luncheon

November 5, 2010  Blessing #185

Yes, I know--out of order, but I figure if I wait to catch up to type new blessings, I will never catch up!  So here's another entry from my Wonder Woman spiral notebook.

Still sick in Minneapolis--but another good day. I got to hear Sean Carroll-a leading evolutionary biologist talk about "How Bugs get their Spots" (I'm sure you are developing a new understanding of my dorkiness!).  I also heard a professor from Iowa State talk about stories he's developed to help students understand the people behind the science--I am pumped about using them in my classroom, b/c too often kids look at their textbook as the end all and be all in science.  They don't seem to understand or appreciate the messy, exciting intellectual activity that precedes the the stories are a  good thing.

Also, today was the NABT award's luncheon.  There was a lovely meal and all of the OBTA winners were honored.  This is a picture of me shaking hands and receiving my OBTA pin from the President Elect of NABT, Dan Ward.  Teachers don't get enough good press--and it was fabulous to hear the nice things said about teachers and teacher educators.  I went to receive an honor, but I left feeling more blessed than ever to work in this profession and in the company of these outstanding teachers.  I am lucky that I feel that my work is an extension of who I am, and that I feel affirmed in my choice of vocation.  I could be wrong, but I find that more folks than not are convinced they are not where they need to be professionally--the wrong employer, or the wrong vocation entirely--for now, I have that fabulous certainty that I am where I am supposed to be.

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