Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back at it!

Monday, November 8, 2010 Blessing #190

I'm not well--but I'm not worse.  After resting yesterday, I am excited to be back in my classroom with my students.  All of my 9th graders told me how much they missed me--I was out 3 days for the conference--and it is so nice to be missed!  The break was great for me--to sit with colleagues and brainstorm is fabulous, but after a while I get tired of talking about teaching and I want to do some teaching.

Chip and Katie were glad to be back at school too-and even though I know Chip is going to come home with a mountain of makeup work, I am glad they had a break. It  just isn't easy to be teacher's kid--they come on teacher work days and on weekends while I work in my classroom, and they have to be near death's door to miss school with illness.  So, we all had a nice break in our routine.  Today I am thankful that I missed my students and that they missed me back.

Tuesday November 9, 2010 Blessing #191

Even better than just being back with my students is that we are launching into a super cool unit on human evolution.  I am joined in my Biology classes by Dr. Norm Thomson and his collection of hominin fossil skulls.  I think I've written about his visits before, but this one is a bit different. We are working together on a research study, so he will be in classroom longer this time.  The kids love studying the bones, and today I saw their eyes light up with excitement and curiosity.  I am so lucky that I live and teach close to UGA-so lucky that my school supports and encourages me to engage in research on teaching and learning, and so lucky that Norm and his skulls are here!

Saturday, November 27, 2010 Blessing #192

Well, my legs are still very sore from the Thanksgiving prep, but I am feeling much better than I was yesterday. I've already started the laundry, had breakfast and cuddle time with Katie, and had time to type 2 old blessings.  Trey and Chip are still sleeping, but when they get up it will be time to head to the landfill, put clothes away, take down harvest decorations, and start prepping for next week.  Trey is headed to the UGA/Tech game, and the kids and I are headed to a hotdog roast around a neighbor's fire pit.  Fall fun!  I am lucky that when I needed to rest, I could--and that I feel almost back to my old self today.  I sense a major nesting urge coming on....and I'm so glad I feel better enough to take advantage of it.  Final exams, Christmas, and this baby will all be here in a flash, and there is so much to do before that happens!  But what a rich, full life I lead....

Oh, and it is time to start talking with the kids about Advent.  Tomorrow we make an advent wreath after church.  This is my favorite time of year.

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