Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vampires, Pirates, and Princesses, Oh my!

Blessing #178, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween.  I'm not sure why, but it seems the anticipation of trick or treating is always better than the event itself.  Oh, I'm not complaining.  It was a great day....we had a lovely meal at our neighbor's to kick off the evening, but as soon as we set out to trick or treat, Katie got so excited she fell, skinned her knee and ruined her tights.  She dressed as an "Undersea fairy Princess" (again--see earlier post about the both/and world), and looked precious, but barely recovered from her injury in time to make it to a few more houses.

Now, I'm confident that she wasn't as hurt as she thought she was--the girl has a flair for the dramatic--but it was traumatic nonetheless.  So, at the end of this harrowing ordeal I am thankful that we didn't spend it in the ER and that Katie learned that she's more resilient than she thought.  I know as parents we are supposed to wish that nothing bad ever happen to our kids--but how do they know they can handle hard stuff  if they never have to practice?

Blessing #179, November 1, 2010

I have a bit of a sore throat, and way too much to do before I leave on Wednesday for a conference in Minneapolis.  I need to have the sub plans done, the house straight, the kids packed for a few days with their grand parents and all of my grades done as progress reports go out when we get back!  I know I'll get through it, but I also no I won't get enough sleep or exercise--and I feel like the last 6 or 7 weeks have been like this.   So, I'm weary today, and that makes it especially  hard to focus on blessings....isn't that just a pain?  When things are tough it ought be easier, not harder, to focus on the good stuff--it might keep us from spiraling into a cycle of sadness and depression. 

Anyway, I am thankful that I work at a school that values professional development.  I know I will be tired, but when I get there I will get re-energized and remember all the reasons I love science and love teaching children science.  I am grateful that my children have 2 sets of grand parents they adore and feel close too--and that while Trey and I are away they will be enriched by new experiences with people who love them.  And I'm thankful that Trey can take a break to accompany this almost sick, pregnant lady to a city I've never been to before.  I hope he gets to rest, and I know I will feel safer because he is there.  I'm weary, but not too weary to find the blessing.

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