Monday, November 22, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Blessing #180, November 2, 2010

Still trying to get caught up moving these from the Wonder Woman notebook to my computer.  Life is not cooperating!  Anyhow, this one is easy.....election day.  I am embarrassed to say I didn't make it to the polls.  I love to vote the way some people love cake.  It was my last day teaching before I headed to Minneapolis, and I just couldn't find the 30 minutes to get to the polls between leaving sub plans, packing the kids for their stay at their grandparents, and prepping my presentation.  So, today I am confessing, but also realizing that I'm blessed to live in a culture where voting has become an after thought.  Not that it should be, but for all of us, and certainly for women and minorities, there was a time when voting could equal jail time, violence or both.  So, I promise to do better.....and I'm thankful that my right to choose my leaders is recognized and protected in this country.

Blessing #181, November 3, 2010

The kids spent last night with Trey's mom and dad, so we were all alone waking up this morning.  It is amazing how easy it is to navigate the airport when there are no children in tow.  Even more amazing is that even with my life simpler and easier, I have missed my children terribly. 

We made it safe to Minneapolis and got settled in the hotel with no real issues.  However, just before we had reached cruising altitude, my slightly sore throat evolved into a major case of clogged sinuses, headache, and exhaustion.  It is so typical for teachers to wait until they are still to get sick.  I mean, I've been working like crazy for 6 or 7 weeks to get everything done--one deadline after another, and as soon as I sit on the plane and turn it over to God and the pilot, my body says, "By the way, you're sick!"  Oh, well, at least I can be sick without trying to take care of my children or anyone else's.  At least Trey was able to steal away for a few days of R and R, and at least I will playing the role of student for a bit. I love to learn...and sickness and all I can't wait to get started.

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