Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Still Moment

Wednesday November 10, 2010 Blessing #193 (Geez, I'm coming along here...)

Another one from the Wonder Woman notebook.....Today is a day 4 in our schedule.  That means that this week it is today that I start my day with a free period.  Mom's that don't work outside of the home sometimes wonder how I do it all.  I get that question all the time-as if I am some picture of togetherness (ha--have I got them fooled! Later I'll tell you about sending blank invites out to Chip's party!). 

Well, here's my secret.  I used to teach 120 students, during 6 of 7 class periods, and my free period I spent on hall or bathroom patrol.  Here, I teach between 65 and 80 students and I really get free periods.  Often they are used to meet with a student, grade, plan, or clean my lab-but it is time when my mind is relatively quiet and at its most productive. It is wonderful to teach at a place where the administration understands a teacher's need to have a still moment.  A moment to reflect on a lesson or a student's progress, to prepare the next lesson, and to be thankful to have an outlet for my creativity.

Sunday, November 28, 2010  Blessing #194

We had the most wondeful time at the hotdog roast last night-even though we missed Daddy!  This morning we are headed to make an Advent wreath at church.  I am so excited about starting this time of year.  We have pulled out the Nativity Sets-I have a gorgeous one that Jane and Wayne give us pieces of every year.  The kids have their own version by Fisher Price, and they have had a blast playing with theirs while I get mine arragned on the buffet.  We talk about the characters in this powerful story of love and miracles.  When I'm pregnant at Christmas (or have just given birth as with Chip and Katie), the emotion of the story-of Mary's journey, anxiety, and thanksgiving is more real to me than ever.  Today I am thankful for the comfort of Holiday traditions and for the realization that each of my children are gifts from God.

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