Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bringing on Baby

Still working on catching up, and today is the day I have to get it done. I'm in a tizzy this morning. I feel a baby coming on and she is coming sooner rather than later. So, time to tie up loose ends, catch up, clean up, prepare, and do that last minute nesting.  I have been up off and on all night--and finally got up at 4:30 to pack the diaper bag, straighten her room, clean the kitchen, and move the laundry along.  Contractions all the while.....will they send me to the hospital?  I will keep you posted!

Anyway....I know I have been inconsistent lately.  I have had such swelling that finding time to sit at the computer has been next to impossible after my work day.  I'm counting along though.....Here's the report!

February 17, 2011 Blessing #286

There was a moment today that provides a perfect picture of my life--Katie was in my office coughing relentlessly.  I had asked Trey to stay home with her, but he says he never heard that--so on the way to school as she is coughing and gagging, I made the call that she would stay with me.  So, she's ill--I'm trying to keep my feet elevated to mimimize swelling in my ankles and feet, and in comes a teenage girl who is way behind in school--not just in my class, but in all of them.  Oh, don't forget that my long term sub is in there too--learning the ropes.  So, the student begins to cry--Katie has to go get her a tissue, my sub is watching wide eyed and says, "this is really a lot!".  Yep, that's my life---really a lot.  A lot of crazy, a lot of ministering, a lot of tending, and a lot of blessings.

February 18, 2011 Blessing #287

Katie and Chip are both out today--I was really wanting not to miss any work until leave started, but life had other plans.  Thank heaven for my long term sub, who was able to handle instruction with no problems.  It has filled me with peace that the transition for my students will be so smooth.  I think non teachers often don't realize the tremendous sense of responsibility we feel about our students learning and well being.  I couldn't relax and enjoy having a new baby if I was concerned that my students weren't in good hands.  Well, they are in good hands--and that frees me to get ready for Henslee and enjoy this last little bit of pregnancy.  What a blessing!

Saturday February 19, 2011 Blessing #288

This late pregnancy thing is a roller coaster ride.  Yesterday I felt fabulous-emotionally, physically-the whole nine yards. Today, I woke feeling achy, swollen, and sad.  What in the world?  Thank heaven it is Saturday-and I can rest at home and sit when I need to.  My sister came today and brought back my bed she's been borrowing.  That enabled us to get the final prep done in Henslee's room-and move Katie into a fancy big girl bed.  Before I knew it, my Mom, Grandmommy, and Jean and her family were all here too.  It was just the medicine I needed this close to delivery-especially as it started out as a low limb sort of day.  Then, Trey and I doubled with Cary and Ryan for steak dinner (fabulous.....just can't seem to get enough beef!) and we headed to see The King's Speech.  It was phenomenal, and I completely understand the Oscar buzz.  Having been down this baby road before, Trey and I both appreciated that this late Valentine's date is probably our last one for a while...pretty soon another little one will be dictating the schedule!  Anyway, today I am thankful for visiting with my family and for a last date with my husband.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dress it Up

Wednesday, February 16, 2011  Blessing #285

I love my work.  Today was the annual Schacht Lecture-named for a founding trustee member (I think).  Each year we bring in a keynote speaker for our National Honor Society tapping ceremony.  The kids dress up, sit up straight, and seem so mature.

Today was the first lecture I couldn't attend--my ankles and feet are really swelling, and there is no graceful way to elevate them in the Presentation Hall.  However, I loved the dressed up feel of campus and I love that our students are exposed to events like this.  It reminds me so much of the "cultural events" we attended at Berry College--and to think these kids are getting exposed in high school.

Anyway, today I'm thankful for the opportunities students at Athens Academy received.  What a lucky and good place this is!

Cross it Off!

Tuesday February 15, 2011 Blessing #284

Tonight, I missed Chip's last game.  Apparently it was a great one--but my ankles and feet were too swollen.  I am so glad he played basketball, so glad that he loved it, and so glad that it is over before Henslee arrives!  I am feeling like it is time to get some items crossed off the list--so there are fewer things to pay attention to as little miss makes her entrance.

Speaking of Henslee, she is really making her presence known.  It won't be long now!

hearts and groceries

Monday, February 14 Blessing #283

Happy Valentines!  Chip and Katie had great days today--parties at school, sacks full of chocolate treats and lollipops, and affirmation from all their friends.  Does it get any better than that?  Trey had a deacon's meeting, so he was out really late, but we'll celebrate later.  He did get up super early (4am) and go to the store for me--thank heaven!  We had no groceries and I am just not able to load up the cart, the car, or the fridge and carry around this baby!

He did bring a card home too--but the best Valentine ever was a  stocked pantry!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sprinkle Sprinkle for the Little Star

Sunday February 13, 2011 Blessing #282

Trey and I are in a supper club made up of 5 families.  I'm sure I've written here about them before--but recently, one of the ladies called and informed that the other ladies would like to take me out to eat and sprinkle baby Henslee with gifts.  I am of the school of thought that showers for 3rd babies are not really appropriate, but I love the low key sprinkle idea.  It was a fabulous night-and a great diversion from the discomforts of pregnancy.  We laughed so loud the waiter had to look at us sternly more than once-we shared stories about our children and husbands, and we dreamed about passing Henslee around during the next supper club event.

I know Katie gets a portion of her alphaness from me--so you would think I would be brimming with self confidence.  Yet, at one point I looked around the table and couldn't believe my good fortune to have these friends.  More than friends--they are part of the village that it takes to raise my children, and I'm so lucky to have them.

Kid or High Powered Executive?

Saturday February 12, 2011 Blessing #281

Trey was up early to run the Spartan 5K at Athens Academy--and I dropped Chip off to run the Spartan Sprint.  They both did great-they love to exercise, and that makes me so happy.  Chip went from the race to his last basketball practice.  He will finish that up this week--just in time to start spring soccer.  I know there are parents who believe children should be scheduled to the hilt.  They get nervous when there is a weeknight without a structured activity. Their kids seem like machines of productivity--like mini CEOs of the school yard and extracurriculars.

I am not one of those parents.  I believe children need to time to imagine, to play, to read--to be kids.  We limit Chip and will soon limit Katie to one sport and one fine art.  I love it that Chip loves to play piano. I love it that he loves to play soccer. I love it that he loves to be at home with no agenda or performance required.  That was the best part of today. He spent a little time practicing piano and practicing basketball--but he spent a lot of time hanging out with his family, enjoying his home, and exercising his imagination.  Oh, to be a kid!

Happy in my Discomfort

Friday February 11, 2011 Blessing #280

Got home today and Trey was already there!  It was fabulous.  Finally--he's been in the country since Monday, but I feel like we have hardly spoken. I am thrilled to have a little down time with him--to watch him play and relax with the kids, and to have time to sit by him and enjoy having him close.

I just finished my 35th week of pregnancy.  I pee all the time.  At the end of the day my feet and ankles are swollen.  Henslee feels like the biggest baby ever--and I'm tired b/c every night I'm up every 2 hours to change position, potty, or respond to one of her epically uncomfortable squirming episodes.  I don't know how to describe it, but she is so low and she is touching me in places I am not supposed to be touched. There is an involuntary squeamish reaction on my part--sort of like when I hear nails on  a chalkboard.

 Anyway, despite all this I love being pregnant!  I am not ready for it to be over-I'm not ready to share her, and I'm not ready to carry out my days with a newborn in tow.  As uncomfortable as I'm becoming-I know it is easier to be pregnant than it is to have an infant.  I also know that I will grieve for pregnancy when it is over--so I'm resolved to enjoy every single irritating symptom.  I am a lucky woman to be able to carry a baby.  When it hurts--that's what I have to remember.


Thursday, February 10, 2011 Blessing #279

I had my first meeting for my new work with UGA today.  It was lovely--and I am pretty excited about spending a few weeks this summer getting young people interested in science.  I will get to spend time genetics, robotics, math, and life science labs.  It is a fabulous opportunity for me to refresh my content knowledge and enthusiasm.  I am a bit worried about how I will do all of this with a baby in tow, but I know that I have done harder things toting a baby, so I think it will all work out.

Speaking of enthusiasm, Thursday night is Bones night on TV.  Seriously--best science show on TV! I can't wait!

So, today, I'm thankful for professional opportunites to grow and TV that gets me pumped about science.

Alpha female

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Blessing #278

Wednesdays are always tough b/c my planning periods drop and I pick up club meetings--but today I had to add in a parent conference with Katie's teacher, which meant one more ball to juggle (or catch on a bounce!). 

I will say, this is all being made infinitely better because there are now 2 teachers in my class!  My long term sub is already working with me--it is wild the difference another pair of hands and another mind can make in terms of what seems possible.

So, here's what I learned about little Katie Scott. She is smart as a whip and she is 100% alpha female.  Now, this may not be a technical term, but I understand it to mean a female who is confident, perhaps beautiful, a natural leader, and very clever.  That's her alright--on the one hand, I'm thrilled.  There is no way folks are going to convince Katie Scott to do something she doesn't want to do.  On the other hand, I can see that she is going to need a little sensitivity training and practice viewing the world from others' perspectives.  In other words, she has to learn that just because she can convince folks to do what she wants them to, it isn't necessarily the right thing to do.

Well, watch out world for this little dynamo.  I will have no problem taking her to task as necessary, but I am loving watching her develop into this strong-willed, self-assured little lady.  What a girl!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lessons Learned

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Blessing #277

What a day!  I spent every free period in some type of meeting-and even though they were good meetings, they still took a major chunk out of my workday.  I had my last yoga class today, which made me feel fabulous.  Then it was off to Chip's next to last basketball game-and it was wonderful to see Trey in the stands.  He may be home, but we've hardly seen each other.  Our lives are just whirlwinds.

I have been fairly uncomfortable today--I really had forgotten all the contractions and pressure that comes along with the end of pregnancy. I didn't have that so much with Chip, but I did with Katie.  So, tonight I looked back at my pregnancy calendar from Katie and saw that all these symptoms are just par for the course in my 35 week.  What is wild is that Chip and Katie came just a few weeks from now....I think I'm still in some sort of pregnancy denial--but these recent symptoms serve as pretty good reminders that this baby is in there and she will not be much longer.  Yikes!

So, today--I'm thankful for the lessons from yoga-I'm thankful for what Chip is learning from basketball-and I'm thankful that Henslee is reminding me to get ready!

Over due

Not the baby--but acknowledging the blessings!

Monday, February 7, 2011  Blessing #276

It has just been nuts around here, and I am behind.  This is not Wonder Woman notebook behind, but totally behind.  The blessing for this day was easy though.  Trey returned safely from Haiti.  He had a great trip--and we did just fine while he was gone.  Still, there is nothing better than seeing my children run to hug him. They nearly turned inside out with excitement. There is nothing like the peace I have just knowing he is close.  Today I am thankful for his good work, his safe travels, and the stability he provides this family. I am so lucky.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

You Shall Cry for Help, and He Will Say, Here I am.

Sunday, February 6, 2011 Blessing #275

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am. Isaiah 58:6-9a

I am tired today and a little teary.  I was up at 5 to start laundry and tackle the kitchen-then woke the kids and got their breakfast ready so we could head to Sunday School.  Then there was grocery shopping, a trip to good will, lesson plan writing, and readying the house for the week.  My back is really hurting, and I feel like the weekend is gone before I've been able to accomplish half of my list. I work all of the time-and I love it, but when I get to the end of a weekend and realize that I'm not ready to head back, I think, "Anna, you've got to stop it with all of these weekend committments."  The only problem is I can't. 

I love it all.  I believe it is all important and worthwhile.  I love seeing Chip play basketball, I love waking up to work with Spartans in service, I love visiting with my family and getting prepped for Baby's arrival, and I love going in on Monday morning feeling prepared for my week of teaching science. The funniest part of all of this is that even though I felt pressed for time today, after the groceries got put away, I had to nap. My back was killing me and my ankles were swollen. Henslee said, "Enough, Mom!" and that was the end of that.  The kids were exhausted too, and napped right along with me (that could be the whole blessing for the day right there!).  I think we all are weary and ready for Daddy to come home.

Presently, the vegetable soup is simmering on the stove (full of beef--for the iron you know, can't be needing any transfusions at delivery), 75% of the laundry is waiting to be folded on my bed, the Super Bowl is being recorded, and the kids are watching a Tinkerbell movie.  Chip and I have yet to tackle the remainder of his T-Rex research paper, lunches need to be packed, recycling bins taken down, and bills paid.  After my snooze, I'm really wondering how will I do it all?  Then I sat down for my devotion and the scripture from Isaiah was the focus.  It was just what I needed to read.  Yes, I'm tired--the road is long, and sometimes it is hard.  But I'm doing good work--I'm doing good work in my home, in my body, at Athens Academy, and in Haiti.  And the Lord continues to give me the strength I need to accomplish all this.  The answer to the question is, "Anna, you will do it all, but you won't do it alone.  I am here and I will help you."  Today I heard that answer.  That is the blessing.

Stop Hunger Now

Saturday February 5, 2011 Blessing #274

"When people were hungry, Jesus didn't say, "Now is that political, or social?" He said, "I feed you." Because the good news to a hungry person is bread."
-- Desmond Tutu

Today was amazing--even if I'm so tired at the end of it I can hardly move.  It started for me at 5-like most days-and by 8 I was at school with the kids, their lunches, and the stuff for Chip's basketball game.  There I met Kyle from Stop Hunger Now, a ton of Academy students, and several Rotarians ready to help us pack 10,000 meals to be distributed to hungry children around the world.

Some info from their site:

  • In 2009, it was estimated that more than 1.02billion people do not have enough to eat - more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union combined. That means one in nearly six people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life. Source: World Food Programme, 2010.

  • Out of the 1.02 billion who are hungry, more than 907 million of them live in developing countries. Source: World Food Programme, 2009.

  • 25,000 people (adults and children) die every day from hunger and related causes.  Source: FAO, 2009.

  • In 2007, the number of undernourished people in the world increased by 75 million, primarily due to the increase in food prices.  Source: World Food Programme, 2009.

Several of my students have worked with this organization before, but this was my first time.  I was very impressed.  They have been around about 13 years, and are growing every  year.  Check them out on line.Stop Hunger Now Website

I looked up at one point and saw our 40 volunteers working together-celebrating for each 1000 meals they packed-and marveled.  Here were people committed to making the world better--committed enough that they were up early on a Saturday morning.  Chip and Katie worked right along with them, and were really into it.  Chip has seen hunger in Haiti-and he has told Katie about it. I believe they understand their good fortune.  Somehow it was even more special because I knew Trey had just finished a massive feeding project in Haiti-even out of the country our family is united in service.

Could it get better?  Oh yes!  Granna and Mama Scott came to get Chip for his game, which I ended up being able to see.  The students were so efficient we finished early!  My Mom and Dad came to the game --and then Jean brought her whole family!  So, Chip had said, "I can't believe Daddy isn't going to see my game!"  But he ended up with the biggest cheering section around. 

It was a wonderful day in that we were up early to serve, spent the day in fellowship with family, and even got some shopping done for Henslee. I'm large--and increasingly suffering from pelvic discomfort and frequent trips to the potty--but today was so full of hope, joy, and love that I barely even noticed.  Thank God for good work and for my family.

Something I know

Friday, February 4, 2011  Blessing #273

What a week!  This business of running things without Daddy is for the birds.  He's usually gone early and home late, but there is something about knowing I can call him, hug him, or commiserate with him that makes me feel at ease.  The kids are missing him too-and as much as they love me, I am not measuring up.

Still, we've managed and the weekend is here.  The biggest concern was that I would have this baby early-and at least so far, that's not the case!  I did have my 34 week check up, and my Dr. says Henslee is already 7 pounds.  I'm not too surprised-Chip and Katie were born at 38 weeks and were around 9#, so this baby is going to big.  The good news is we both seem healthy (well, except for my anemia--it's back!  It's really not fair to have to choose between anemia and digestive upset!  I will have to choose upset tummy so I can build up my iron stores pre delivery.)  We got an ultrasound on the schedule for 36 weeks-so we'll see just how big she gets!

I got home and found the rest of closet organizers waiting at the front door, so I jumped into action and hung them in all the closets upstairs.  I know this is an overstatement, but next to marrying Trey and having his children buying these things feels like the greatest idea I've ever had!  Ahhhh-the mental filter of pregnancy.  I got Henslee's bed made up, and her room is just about ready.  There are just a few more items on my list pre baby--the car detail before we put her seat in, the windows cleaned inside and out, and I'm going to have the house deep cleaned.  As much as I would love to get on my knees and scrub baseboards I am not altogether sure I could get back up. 

Anyway, after a long week it was so soothing to listen to her heartbeat-sort of like listening to running water, it has a huge relaxing effect on me.  I may be a bit tired, but she's got what she needs, and that's because I'm able to give it to her.  It really does feel like I'm assisting in a miracle.  So, I guess it is OK to feel tired--it's pretty important work.  So today--Thank God I am still pregnant and all seems well there.  Thank God Daddy is safe in Haiti and having a productive trip and thank God he'll be home soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Red, White, and Blue (plus Pink Goggles)

Thursday, February 3, Blessing #272

Mom spent last night again--it was great! I really do sleep better with another grown up in the house. Trey is having a great time in Haiti and accomplishing a lot--one of the folks with him is a pastor and she is blogging about their trip.  If you want to follow along, the blog is called We are all Under Construction, it is listed in the Blogs I'm following spot below. I have loved reading it--especially since I've traveled and worked there--her writing paints a vivid image for me.

In other news--I got to head over to the Pre school today and see Katie perform in her K4 play.  It was fabulous, and I suppose it might get old to you all, but I just couldn't stop being thankful for this place.  The kids sang about hard work, responsibility, loyalty to country, and taking care of each other.  They did it all with the most genuine smiles.  Chip was George Washington in the play when he performed it--Katie was a scientist--and a glam one at that.  She had a lab coat and pink Barbie safety goggles.  My Dad says that for his girls it shouldn't be an "either or world" and I think he's exactly right.  Who says you can't be a super fashionable scientist (ahem or teacher)?

Anyway, she walked up to that microphone and nailed her line. She sang with feeling and when she looked over at Mom and me, she lit up like a  Christmas tree.  She was so tickled to see us in her world.  She is so proud of her school and of herself.   That girl is really coming into her own.  She is just marvelous.

She sang about the importance of freedom, democracy, bravery, civic responsibility, and patriotism.  The spirit of the play was infectious--and I kept reflecting on happenings in Egypt and Tunisia.  I wouldn't call the political climate in our country particularly amicable right now, but our leaders are committed to freedom--and if they're not they get voted out pretty quickly.  How blessed I am to live in a country that recognizes and protects basic human rights, how blessed I am to have a voice in government, and how blessed I am to be reminded of all this by my 5 year old daughter in pink safety goggles.  I am  proud and grateful to be an American.

Blessings from my Students

Wednesday, February 2, 2011  Blessing #271

I work with the most amazing students.  Today at chapel, we celebrated the Chinese New Year, recognized STAR student and STAR teacher, and watched a video of a Tunisian student (Ayman) performing his original composition dedicated to the people of Tunisia.  I cried watching Ayman express himself creatively to support his home country.  His talent is extraordinary, but even more extraordinary is his awareness of the world and his desire to make it better.  From where I sit the future of the world looks pretty bright.  I am so blessed to work with these students.

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Blessing #270

It was rough waking up after the long night with Mom-but staying up late with her and laughing was so worth it!  The good times didn't last forever though....

I usually wake at 5, but this morning her phone rang at 4:57am.  It was someone from her office calling to report the death of a patient.  My mom has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years-and still when she hears that a patient has passed she stops to mourn.  Watching her reflect on this patient-and cry for her, was so touching.  I can see how Drs. could become jaded and cold; how they could stop seeing their patients as people and see them only as cases--but for Mom each patient is an opportunity to make a connection with a soul and to minister to someone in need.  The connection is so genuine that her patients even minister to her.  It is special and beautiful, and exactly the way I hope to connect with my students.

In Matthew, Chapter 5, vs 4, Jesus says, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."  I remember a sermon Daddy preached on this-perhaps better than any other sermon.  I remember because his take on this scripture was different than any canned Sunday School version I had heard.  He believes--and now I do too--that the Blessing here is most easily found in the loving.  If you are mourning than you have loved--and if you have loved than your soul has touched another.  What a tremendous gift from God.

Today, I'm thankful to have parents who understand the gift and power of love.  Even as they mourn-they are thankful for the connections they make with God's children.  I am thankful that death won't convince me not to seek out love and rejoice in it.  When it ends-when death comes, there will be mourning, but without that love, I would be living in the shadows and away from God's blessings.  I am going to love and I am going to wrap myself in His Blessings.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Quiet Productive Moment and Tearful Goodbye

Monday, January 31, 2011  Blessing #269

Test day!  It just never works out that all my tests end up on the same day--but today 3 of my classes took tests.  This allowed me to wade through a pile of papers, plan for an upcoming unit, and feel good about all I was accomplishing--it was such a nice break from feeling perpetually behind the eight ball.

Trey left tonight to head to Conyers and then to Haiti-talk about the tears. I just don't want to be away from him-not that I ever do, but I think I'm reaching that point in my pregnancy where I feel especially vulnerable.  I wish I was with him really---but I'm busy wrapping up things at school pre maternity leave, and it really isn't wise to travel at this point in gestation anyway.  (Especially not to a developing nation with major infectious disease issues)  Anyway--my Mom came to sleep over which was wonderful.  She distracted me and the kids from our sadness and we got to sit up late and catch up.  We laughed so much and I went to bed too late, but feeling great!  I've said it before--there is something about having the women folk around that soothes a pregnant lady.

Today, I'm thankful for productive moments and my Mom!