Thursday, February 3, 2011

Red, White, and Blue (plus Pink Goggles)

Thursday, February 3, Blessing #272

Mom spent last night again--it was great! I really do sleep better with another grown up in the house. Trey is having a great time in Haiti and accomplishing a lot--one of the folks with him is a pastor and she is blogging about their trip.  If you want to follow along, the blog is called We are all Under Construction, it is listed in the Blogs I'm following spot below. I have loved reading it--especially since I've traveled and worked there--her writing paints a vivid image for me.

In other news--I got to head over to the Pre school today and see Katie perform in her K4 play.  It was fabulous, and I suppose it might get old to you all, but I just couldn't stop being thankful for this place.  The kids sang about hard work, responsibility, loyalty to country, and taking care of each other.  They did it all with the most genuine smiles.  Chip was George Washington in the play when he performed it--Katie was a scientist--and a glam one at that.  She had a lab coat and pink Barbie safety goggles.  My Dad says that for his girls it shouldn't be an "either or world" and I think he's exactly right.  Who says you can't be a super fashionable scientist (ahem or teacher)?

Anyway, she walked up to that microphone and nailed her line. She sang with feeling and when she looked over at Mom and me, she lit up like a  Christmas tree.  She was so tickled to see us in her world.  She is so proud of her school and of herself.   That girl is really coming into her own.  She is just marvelous.

She sang about the importance of freedom, democracy, bravery, civic responsibility, and patriotism.  The spirit of the play was infectious--and I kept reflecting on happenings in Egypt and Tunisia.  I wouldn't call the political climate in our country particularly amicable right now, but our leaders are committed to freedom--and if they're not they get voted out pretty quickly.  How blessed I am to live in a country that recognizes and protects basic human rights, how blessed I am to have a voice in government, and how blessed I am to be reminded of all this by my 5 year old daughter in pink safety goggles.  I am  proud and grateful to be an American.

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