Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy in my Discomfort

Friday February 11, 2011 Blessing #280

Got home today and Trey was already there!  It was fabulous.  Finally--he's been in the country since Monday, but I feel like we have hardly spoken. I am thrilled to have a little down time with him--to watch him play and relax with the kids, and to have time to sit by him and enjoy having him close.

I just finished my 35th week of pregnancy.  I pee all the time.  At the end of the day my feet and ankles are swollen.  Henslee feels like the biggest baby ever--and I'm tired b/c every night I'm up every 2 hours to change position, potty, or respond to one of her epically uncomfortable squirming episodes.  I don't know how to describe it, but she is so low and she is touching me in places I am not supposed to be touched. There is an involuntary squeamish reaction on my part--sort of like when I hear nails on  a chalkboard.

 Anyway, despite all this I love being pregnant!  I am not ready for it to be over-I'm not ready to share her, and I'm not ready to carry out my days with a newborn in tow.  As uncomfortable as I'm becoming-I know it is easier to be pregnant than it is to have an infant.  I also know that I will grieve for pregnancy when it is over--so I'm resolved to enjoy every single irritating symptom.  I am a lucky woman to be able to carry a baby.  When it hurts--that's what I have to remember.

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