Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Quiet Productive Moment and Tearful Goodbye

Monday, January 31, 2011  Blessing #269

Test day!  It just never works out that all my tests end up on the same day--but today 3 of my classes took tests.  This allowed me to wade through a pile of papers, plan for an upcoming unit, and feel good about all I was accomplishing--it was such a nice break from feeling perpetually behind the eight ball.

Trey left tonight to head to Conyers and then to Haiti-talk about the tears. I just don't want to be away from him-not that I ever do, but I think I'm reaching that point in my pregnancy where I feel especially vulnerable.  I wish I was with him really---but I'm busy wrapping up things at school pre maternity leave, and it really isn't wise to travel at this point in gestation anyway.  (Especially not to a developing nation with major infectious disease issues)  Anyway--my Mom came to sleep over which was wonderful.  She distracted me and the kids from our sadness and we got to sit up late and catch up.  We laughed so much and I went to bed too late, but feeling great!  I've said it before--there is something about having the women folk around that soothes a pregnant lady.

Today, I'm thankful for productive moments and my Mom!

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