Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stop Hunger Now

Saturday February 5, 2011 Blessing #274

"When people were hungry, Jesus didn't say, "Now is that political, or social?" He said, "I feed you." Because the good news to a hungry person is bread."
-- Desmond Tutu

Today was amazing--even if I'm so tired at the end of it I can hardly move.  It started for me at 5-like most days-and by 8 I was at school with the kids, their lunches, and the stuff for Chip's basketball game.  There I met Kyle from Stop Hunger Now, a ton of Academy students, and several Rotarians ready to help us pack 10,000 meals to be distributed to hungry children around the world.

Some info from their site:

  • In 2009, it was estimated that more than 1.02billion people do not have enough to eat - more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union combined. That means one in nearly six people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life. Source: World Food Programme, 2010.

  • Out of the 1.02 billion who are hungry, more than 907 million of them live in developing countries. Source: World Food Programme, 2009.

  • 25,000 people (adults and children) die every day from hunger and related causes.  Source: FAO, 2009.

  • In 2007, the number of undernourished people in the world increased by 75 million, primarily due to the increase in food prices.  Source: World Food Programme, 2009.

Several of my students have worked with this organization before, but this was my first time.  I was very impressed.  They have been around about 13 years, and are growing every  year.  Check them out on line.Stop Hunger Now Website

I looked up at one point and saw our 40 volunteers working together-celebrating for each 1000 meals they packed-and marveled.  Here were people committed to making the world better--committed enough that they were up early on a Saturday morning.  Chip and Katie worked right along with them, and were really into it.  Chip has seen hunger in Haiti-and he has told Katie about it. I believe they understand their good fortune.  Somehow it was even more special because I knew Trey had just finished a massive feeding project in Haiti-even out of the country our family is united in service.

Could it get better?  Oh yes!  Granna and Mama Scott came to get Chip for his game, which I ended up being able to see.  The students were so efficient we finished early!  My Mom and Dad came to the game --and then Jean brought her whole family!  So, Chip had said, "I can't believe Daddy isn't going to see my game!"  But he ended up with the biggest cheering section around. 

It was a wonderful day in that we were up early to serve, spent the day in fellowship with family, and even got some shopping done for Henslee. I'm large--and increasingly suffering from pelvic discomfort and frequent trips to the potty--but today was so full of hope, joy, and love that I barely even noticed.  Thank God for good work and for my family.

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