Saturday, March 19, 2011

Henslee Paris Scott-A Promise, A Possibility

Tuesday March 1, 2010 Blessing #298

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.
Kate Douglas Wiggin

Welcome to our family, Henslee Paris Scott.  What a gift from God you are! I am counting blessings, and today you made it easy for me.  About 11pm last night, I really started contracting hard--and you arrived (all 10 pounds and 20.25 inches of you) at 4:27 am.  You might be the biggest of the babies I've birthed, but you were also the easiest.  You carry the names of great people--of your Grandmother Jane Henslee Scott, and her father Miles Henslee, and of your Maternal great grandmother Evelyn Paris.  I hope that the love of your namesakes uplifts you and reminds you that you are made of really good, strong stuff.

I promise to mother you the best way I can--I promise to love you unconditionally forever.  I want you to know that your Dad and I are thankful for the privilege of being your parents.  This parenting thing is the hardest work we have ever done--but it is also the best and the most important.  We will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and prepare you for a life of hard work, happiness, hope, faith, and love.  This is a day that I will cherish forever--and I will cherish you each day from now on.

 Most special today was seeing your  brother Chip and your sister Katie welcome you to the world.  Chip was moved to tears by his love for you, and Katie beamed with pride at her little sister.  You are lucky to have them as we are to have you.

Today was an adventure for you and me, Henslee, but the real adventure is just beginning! I can't wait to see what your life and our love will bring!



Nicole Smith said...

LOVE the pictures!! Such a precious baby girl! I'm so happy for you and your family! :)

organicmom said...

Ohmigoodness, you are a busy woman-mom-teacher-writer-superhero! I am SO honored to know you. I hope you realize how truly blessed you are! Congrats to all of you. I hope you are not forgetting to REST, would love to see you sometime sooner than later!