Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bringing on Baby

Still working on catching up, and today is the day I have to get it done. I'm in a tizzy this morning. I feel a baby coming on and she is coming sooner rather than later. So, time to tie up loose ends, catch up, clean up, prepare, and do that last minute nesting.  I have been up off and on all night--and finally got up at 4:30 to pack the diaper bag, straighten her room, clean the kitchen, and move the laundry along.  Contractions all the while.....will they send me to the hospital?  I will keep you posted!

Anyway....I know I have been inconsistent lately.  I have had such swelling that finding time to sit at the computer has been next to impossible after my work day.  I'm counting along though.....Here's the report!

February 17, 2011 Blessing #286

There was a moment today that provides a perfect picture of my life--Katie was in my office coughing relentlessly.  I had asked Trey to stay home with her, but he says he never heard that--so on the way to school as she is coughing and gagging, I made the call that she would stay with me.  So, she's ill--I'm trying to keep my feet elevated to mimimize swelling in my ankles and feet, and in comes a teenage girl who is way behind in school--not just in my class, but in all of them.  Oh, don't forget that my long term sub is in there too--learning the ropes.  So, the student begins to cry--Katie has to go get her a tissue, my sub is watching wide eyed and says, "this is really a lot!".  Yep, that's my life---really a lot.  A lot of crazy, a lot of ministering, a lot of tending, and a lot of blessings.

February 18, 2011 Blessing #287

Katie and Chip are both out today--I was really wanting not to miss any work until leave started, but life had other plans.  Thank heaven for my long term sub, who was able to handle instruction with no problems.  It has filled me with peace that the transition for my students will be so smooth.  I think non teachers often don't realize the tremendous sense of responsibility we feel about our students learning and well being.  I couldn't relax and enjoy having a new baby if I was concerned that my students weren't in good hands.  Well, they are in good hands--and that frees me to get ready for Henslee and enjoy this last little bit of pregnancy.  What a blessing!

Saturday February 19, 2011 Blessing #288

This late pregnancy thing is a roller coaster ride.  Yesterday I felt fabulous-emotionally, physically-the whole nine yards. Today, I woke feeling achy, swollen, and sad.  What in the world?  Thank heaven it is Saturday-and I can rest at home and sit when I need to.  My sister came today and brought back my bed she's been borrowing.  That enabled us to get the final prep done in Henslee's room-and move Katie into a fancy big girl bed.  Before I knew it, my Mom, Grandmommy, and Jean and her family were all here too.  It was just the medicine I needed this close to delivery-especially as it started out as a low limb sort of day.  Then, Trey and I doubled with Cary and Ryan for steak dinner (fabulous.....just can't seem to get enough beef!) and we headed to see The King's Speech.  It was phenomenal, and I completely understand the Oscar buzz.  Having been down this baby road before, Trey and I both appreciated that this late Valentine's date is probably our last one for a while...pretty soon another little one will be dictating the schedule!  Anyway, today I am thankful for visiting with my family and for a last date with my husband.

1 comment:

Amy Shorner-Johnson said...

Welcome to the world little Henslee! What a blessing you are; may you always have that knowledge! Anna and Trey--hope you and Chip and Katie are well and finding rest! Blessings to you!