Monday, July 12, 2010

Checking Things Off

Summer is wonderful for relaxation, but I find that when I do have things to do I'm not nearly as efficient as I am during the school year. Something about plenty of time leads me to think I can "do it all later." That's all well and good for a bit, but eventually my OCD kicks in and I've got to check things off my to do list.

So today that is what I did! I caught up on email, updated my calendar, scheduled appointments, and folded clothes. I planned a weekend visit to my sisters, a trip to Brunswick and Jekyll with my Mom, and a long overdue visit with a girl friend. Don't get me wrong, the list isn't clear yet, but I did make a lot of headway. Hopefully tomorrow I will have finally tackled the two parties I need to schedule and that pile of scrapbooking!

July 12, 2010 Blessing #76

Today I am thankful for the feeling that comes after getting out from under things to do, deadlines, etc. It is a feeling of relief and progress. Weirdly I think one reason it feels so good is because of the OCD that drives to me to finish in the first place, so today I am even thankful for my neurosis!

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