Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Raindrops on Roses, Whiskers on Kittens

I am torn tonight about which blessing to count. I am really enjoying the Borg novel, Putting Away Childish Things. It is a teaching novel, and I, in the tradition of great teaching, feel it was written just for me. I see myself in the professor who is considered by the senior faculty too "Christian" to be an academic, and in the student who realizes that her friends in the ultra conservative Christian group are close-minded and insecure. It is a great read--and I recommend it (Dad and Cary, especially to you!).

My children played outside today for hours with their cousin, Payton. They were imagining kings, queens, dragons, spaceships, and swordfights. All of this enchantment required only a few nerf guns and the tiny spoon and fork from Katie's tea set. It was rich, fabulous, child's play at its best.

We watched Chip's new favorite show, Unnatural History, and it is awesome. It's all about a kid who is intellectually independent and is more comfortable thinking outside the box than in it. It is sort of National Treasure meets one of the Hardy Boys. Heroes were so important to me (ok, still are) as a kid, and this Henry fellow is a hero to Chip. I think he's a fabulous hero to look up to. And Chip is adorable when he is watching it, because he is so into it, he wants us to stop it (Oh, shallow maybe, but I am thankful for DVR) periodically so he can tell us who he thinks "dunnit!".

Blessing #84, July 20, 2010

I have become so accustomed to looking for blessings I have days now where I can't pick just one. I am thankful that I am trainable-this has become a habit and unlike Diet Dr. Pepper or hasbrowns, this is one that makes me better.

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