Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Must Read Author

In college in one of my religion classes (I tried to squeeze in several which was pretty tough as a science major) I was introduced to the work of Marcus Borg. My first read was Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. I've read a few of his books, but this one I read twice. I don't do that very often.

Anyway, the other day while Katie was at a Tea Party, Chip and I went to the library to kill some time and save some money. He checked out a book, I picked a few out for Katie, and then stumbled upon a new one by Borg. A novel! So far, I am hooked.

July 18, 2010 Blessing #82

I am thankful for books that make me think and challenge my faith and assumptions. I am also so thankful for summer-because it is my time for reading!

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