Sunday, July 25, 2010

You can Sneak into my Room!

The kids and I are packing up to head to Brunswick for a week with my Mom. She grew up there, and I have spent a ton of time vacationing in Glynn County. It has always been the place my family goes to rest and recover from our busy lives. We get to eat when we're hungry, sleep when we're tired, and enjoy each other's company. The salt air is like medicine for whatever ails us--and usually that is stress!

We stay in the house my Grandfather Watson built for my Grandmother many years ago, and we drive over to Jekyll to bike, swim, visit the Sea Turtle Center, and the water park, Summer Waves. We love these trips, and try to make it down there atleast twice a year.

This year, Trey can't go. After Jamaica, he's grounded for a while with work and he's pretty down about it. Tonight, he said to all of us, "I'm going to miss you all so much!" And Katie piped up with, "You know Daddy, you can sneak into my room at night and get one of my gavies and take it back to your bed and snuggle with it. That will make you feel better!"

July 25, 2010 Blessing #89

Gavi is Katie's made up word to describe her silky blanket. She has several of these in assorted sizes, and the size she needs to comfort herself depends on the trauma she's just endured. At night she must sleep with a big gavi, but for a car ride to the pediatrician a little gavi will suffice. Chip wasn't big on security items, but for Katie that gavi is a passport to another dimension in which she is calm, relaxed, and content. I think it is wonderful that her first act when she senses turmoil in another is to offer what she equates with ultimate comfort and security. If Chip gets hurt, she brings one to him. If Jake, our dog seems sad, she wraps him in one, and if say I've had a hard day she comes running with a gavi. It says alot about the love and generosity in her that she is so willing to share an object that is so valuable to her--I am blessed that I continue to like the people my children are becoming. I marvel that they teach me so much.

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