Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Children Counting Blessings

As I was tucking them in, I asked my children, "What do you think Mommy should write about tonight as a blessing?" Chip said, "Legs for walking and all the rest of your body." Katie said, "you and our family and Jakey and Jilly (dog and mouse respectively)." Chip piped up again with "a roof over your head." We finished up talking about our exciting plans for tomorrow--my best friend from high school is coming with her 2 kids-one of them is a new baby--and my kids can't wait. As I turned to head downstairs, thinking the conversation over, Chip added, "Babies, because, Mom ,everytime a baby is born then it can make the world better, just like you say Katie and I do."

So, the blessing tonight is obvious, right?

Blessing #78, July 14, 2010

I am thankful that this exercise has started daily conversations about the blessings in our lives. Counting blessings has become part of the culture in the Scott family. I have always told my children that they are gifts from God-not just to Mommy and Daddy, but the world-and I am glad they hear me and believe me, and I'm glad that they understand that all children are gifts, not just the ones in our family.

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