Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Red-letter Day!

Katie began the summer needing her floaties just to get in the shallow end at our neighborhood pool. 5 weeks ago she started swim lessons, and today she swam; strokes, breath, and everthing from one side of the pool to the other. The best part was the look on her face. She was genuinely amazed at her accomplishment and when emerged victorius at the other end, she was beaming with pride.

Blessing #85, July 21, 2010

My parents always told me, "Anna, you can do anything you put your mind too." I think it is beyond important for parents to expect good things from a child, and convey those expectations. Still, no matter how many people tell you of your potential, nothing affirms it more than accomplishing a goal that at one time seemed out of reach. Today I saw that look on Katie's face-she discovered she had what it took to accomplish something that seemed impossible and even scary just a few weeks ago. I tell her all the time that she is smart, strong, and special. Today, I saw that she believed me, a little bit more than she did yesterday. What a blessing to see my child succeed and grow in self confidence.

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