Friday, July 9, 2010

Southern Summer

Our kids are spending the night with their cousins in Conyers. After I dropped them off, I headed back to Athens to meet Trey at the dollar movie for a matinee. When the heat index is over 100 degrees, there is nothing better than a "cold enough to hang meat" theater. We saw Robinhood with Russell Crowe. It was fair-a different take on a legend that has been told countless times.

The best part of the movie was when it was over. We came outside and it was overcast and had cooled drastically. I drove home with the windows down, and then walked for over an hour with my sister and her family. It was still humid, but it was cool enough to be outside and be active. That's what summer nights are supposed to feel like!

Blessing #73 July 9, 2010

I am thankful for cold movie theaters. I am thankful my sister lives around the corner. I am thankful for a summer evening without such oppressive heat and that I am able-bodied and can exercise.

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