Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Phase 10

What a day! There have been no TV, movies, or video games. The only cell phone calls were to tell Daddy goodnight. We walked around the place, shopped for groceries, napped, and met our good friend Lonnie for dinner. Later, the kids and I sat around the dining table with Mom (aka Nana) and played Phase 10. This is a card game that my family has fallen in love with. We discovered it as we prepped for the Haiti trip in March. We played in the airports and then with the Haitians. The game is fabulous because there are no boards, dice, or game pieces to complicate things. Just cards; and it is inexpensive. It is great for even Katie (4 years), as she practices numbers, counting, and sorting.

There is so much noise in our society--cell phones, TVs, DVD players even in the car, that sometimes we forget how much fun we an have when we get "unplugged".

Blessing #91, July 27, 2010

I am thankful for precious, real connections with my family and friends. When I am unplugged my relationships with my family and friends feel more authentic and robust. It is these connections that I believe we were designed for-because it is through them that we experience love-and that is to experience the Divine.

1 comment:

Nicole Smith said...

I love Phase 10! It's such a fun game. When my whole family gets together for Thanksgiving and stuff we alway play that. I'm glad you're having a good time! :)